Re: [xslt] Possible parsing bug?

Dave Connet schrieb:
This works using IE (using 7 and just opening the xml in the browser)
and xalan. However, using xsltproc (and, internally, in our code with
making the actual api calls), this produces a mangled 'src' attribute.

Using xalan:
   <img width="415" height="10" src="C:\Test
Using xsltproc:
   <img width="415" height="10"
Looks like the HTML serialization method chosen via xsl:output
automatically escapes the @src attribute for use in URLs. Same
story for the @href attribute.

If you change your xsl:output/@method or the attribute name, no such
escaping is done. Of course, neither option is likely to help you.

I think this could be considered a bug in LibXML2.

Are there any work arounds to this? (I'm not the xsl programmer - I
wrote the C++ code to do the transformations)
In that case, maybe propose a patch for LibXML2 ... :-) The relevant
code seems to be here:


    static void htmlAttrDumpOutput( ... )

Michael Ludwig

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