Re: [xslt] syntax errors in w3c entity declarations?

Daniel Veillard wrote:

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:37:49AM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
I'm using xsltproc and I'm trying to include the w3c standard
character entity sets in a stylesheet:

1//EN//HTML" "HTMLlat1.ent">

...../xsl/myHTMLlat1.ent:12: parser error : Entity value required
<!ENTITY nbsp   CDATA "&#160;" -- no-break space = non-breaking
  I smell that you are including an HTML set of entity declarations
in an xmL document, but XML recognize only a limited subset of SGML
entities support and you get a fatal error.
Thanks Daniel, well spotted! 

Per Jessen, Zürich (11.8°C) - free DNS hosting, made in Switzerland.

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