Re: Rethinking our layout

> Temporarily removing all the wiki section content seems pretty evil;
> e.g. you can get a conflict, it would pollute the change history, etc.

I agree, we should try to not modify the wiki text for this if

> The other option perhaps is to have mediawiki generate unique section
> ids for all the sections; we then have the ☠ server keep track of what
> sections are "live".  

Do you have ideas on how to do that in practice (unique ids)? There
doesnt seem to be a strong concept of section in the wiki code and
section seem to be identified by order. Even the section editing seem to
happen by just parsing the wiki text to find the section, apply the
changes and commit the whole text.

> When we output the HTML, we also have a bit of
> JavaScript set the display:none property on all the HTML content for
> sections which are currently live, and instead show the LiveComment
> containing the content.  This is probably a bit cleaner.
> So then assuming we follow the second model, what happens when you close
> a live section is that it takes the user to the edit page, and inserts
> the content of the live section?  That way we can defer to MediaWiki's
> conflict handling etc.

I think ideally we would just commit the changes and have them applied
instantaneously. Though I think that can work as a first step.


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