Re: [Anjuta-list] Anjuta install problem

On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 06:04, anjuta-list-admin lists sourceforge net
> Hi there,
> I've just downloaded anjuta 0.1.9. I've tried to install it but i have
> faced a problem, here is the details
> first i configured it with
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome --with-gnome
> then i typed
> make
> everthing was fine till this step, when i tried
> make install
> echo "Detecting header files and Generating global symbols ....."
> Detecting header files and Generating global symbols .....
> chmod +x ./
> ./
> it comes to this stage and waits (i think) the CPU usage goes nearly
> %100 i've waited for a long time hoping that it would finish but no
> luck. So what might be the problem? Any ideas. BTW my system is
> Slackware 8.0.

This seems to be a problem some Slackware and Debian people face at
times. What this script is trying to do is create a list of system tags
from your /usr/include and /usr/local/include directories. The best way
to check what it is doing is to go into the /tmp directory and look for
any .cpp files created - and check their sizes. They should be in the
5-10 MB range. If it is larger than that, then you have a symbolic link
loop somewhere in your /usr/include or /usr/local/include.

You can also put some debugging statements in the
scripts and remove the line where it redirects output to /dev/null to
prevent lots of unwanted messages.

See what crops up.


> --
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>         Mathematicians
>         Against
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