Re: [COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] Seeking for financial support.


One point need to be made clear before we continue the discussion:

COSCUP is a free event, both the meaning of "Free for beer" and "Freedom".

We have did a lot of math for years and found charging registerants
doesn't help COSCUP in finance manner but lower their willingness to
join. And this is tradition of COSCUP, we hope to get your respect on
our tradition and our proven formula for doing social collect event in

I respectfully acknowledge that your proven formula has been working
well. My only point was that if you are having problems with overbooking of events, then it is probably time to consider whether the
entrance fee might be too low.  If you are having problems with
overbooking then I would not think "lowering willingness to join" should
be as much of a concern as it might have been in the past.


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