Re: [COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010] PR for calling for papers

2010/5/26 Emily Chen <emilychen522 gmail com>

2. On this link:  it says: COSCUP 2010 Paper Submission
can we add our new name of our co-host conference: COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010 ?


There are also some other pages need to add COSCUP / GNOME.Asia 2010.

How do we distinguish the talks and put them into GNOME and COSCUP tracks ? We did it based on the speakers and their abstract, or can we add a tag <GNOME> before GNOME talks ?

we can add more "Categories"

now I add 3 new Categories

Maybe you can give us more kinds of "Categories".

4. Should add two more options in the registration form:
1. Time slot options: 30 mins, 45 mins + 15 Q&A + Lightning talk 5mins ?
2. Which date the speakers are prefer ?

We do not use this form to collect lightning talk at this moment, but
if you need it, we can add a "Categories" like

About the speaker preferred date, 
would you please consider to add some notes at
"其他備註 / Notes / Comments "

Check out the following url to see the modification that I made, thanks !!

Pofeng "informer" Lee, 李柏鋒, pofeng at gmail dot com

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