Re: Firefox Extension Not Working

The dotfile is attached.

beagle-extract-content .beagle/ToIndex/firefox-beagle-022c9ae162709c6cc96688d77c4ae6eb.html
Filename: file:///home/jdaluz/.beagle/ToIndex/firefox-beagle-022c9ae162709c6cc96688d77c4ae6eb.html
Debug: Loaded 43 filters from /usr/lib64/beagle/Filters/Filters.dll
Filter: Beagle.Filters.FilterHtml
MimeType: text/html

(no content)
(no hot content)

As expected, after waiting for the daemon to start I can't find any text from this page. The two files are gone from ToIndex so I assume the indexing is done.

On 4/18/06, Joe Shaw <joeshaw novell com> wrote:

One thing to try is to shut down the daemon, and view a web page.  It
should create two files in ~/.beagle/ToIndex, one of which starts with a
dot.  First, attaching the dotfile to a mail would be helpful, as would
(if you build from source) running beagle-extract-content on the


Joe daLuz WebHistory text/html k:_unindexed:encoding=ISO-8859-1

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