Re: Plans for 2.8 - GNOME Managed Language Services?


> > A few corrections: it was not a message posted `3 years ago', it was
> > posted `1 year and 40 days ago', and the employee is the Microsoft
> I though it was 2001 on the timestamp of the mail I read a couple of weeks
> ago, sorry about this. This is still more than one year ago.
> > liaison to ECMA CLI and happens to head the .NET CLR group.
>   Can you get him or another rep to repost the same statement in the
> present tense ? That would help me and probably others on this issue,

He told me this in person in late January at the ECMA meeting in Kona.

As previously reported we (Novell) are working on the legal items
ourselves, and will have an official statement when we are done. 


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