Re: Fix bug #144394 and win USD 100

Bram Mertens wrote:
dia-list-bounces gnome org wrote on 13/10/2006 15:18:56:

Also, Windows/Mac developers are much more comfortable with Subversion than CVS because TortoiseSVN makes life so easy. No command lines to remember. Once you use a gui for the repository you never look back.

Mike, I only know subversion so I can't compare with SVN


You must have meant CVS ??

but I do have to
disagree with your statement about the GUI. I have to use the SVN GUI at work (on my Windows machine) but at home (using Linux) I use the CLI because I find it much more comfortable!

With the built-in help command there's little need to memorize every command.

I spend most of my life in Windows. I agree with you about SVN help - it is good. However, I'm not a touch typist so I'm slow. I built a bash script to submit my SVN commands in Linux so that I don't have to remember. I only have about 2kb in my remembery :)






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