Re: [Easytag-mailing] Tags caching

On 2008-04-24 18:17, Jérôme COUDERC wrote:
The file was read only when loading the file (when browsing directories). Then, tag data were stored in memory. The problem of performance was due to the managing of the main list. But when version are you using, because perfomance enhancements were made in the last versions...

If the list is already kept in a memory, my proposition isn't very attractive. I've updated from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 (it was a long time ago when I was using 2.0 branch, but you are probably right that EasyTag is now faster) and there is still some delay. Its length depends on number of songs in the current directory. It's about 0,6-0,8s for ~300 mp3 files. I noticed that even for directory with only 3 files there is a small and completely acceptable (but still visible) delay, so maybe it's time requires to refresh/update widgets in GUI? Another reason could be that my computer isn't very fast - Athlon XP 1,8+ (~1,5GHz). I will try to test on Intel Core 2 Duo 2,2GHz for comparison.


Marcin Zajączkowski wrote, the 09/04/2008 19:34 :

Recently I review my mp3/ogg library and add/fix tags. Usually
everything is ok and I only have a look on it. Because reading of
mp3/ogg file takes awhile there is a visible delay after pressing DOWN
key. It's quite unpleasant when you have a lot of files.
Some graphic file viewers have an ability to cache next file to be able
to display it intermediately. Maybe EasyTAG could do something similar?

Sample scenario:
1. Press down arrow
- EasyTAG shows file data from cache (if available) or reads it from disc,
   - EasyTAG reads (caches) tags from the next file (if available)

With up arrow previous file data should be cached.

Proposed cache size is very small (one position) so there is a small chance to have background tags update.

What do you think about that feature?


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