Re: GNOME Logo Font

On 8/13/05, Máirín Duffy <duffy redhat com> wrote:
On Sat, 2005-08-13 at 17:07 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
If I understand correctly- please correct me if I'm wrong- the exact
font should be switchable without jeopardizing our trademark status.
Maybe, given the repeated problems for artists downloading it,
understandable conflict with our message ;), that in theory we were
the ones who 'freed' bitstream vera, etc., we should consider
switching to vera instead?

Here are different variations of it using vera:

Cool. None of those seem quite as aesthetically pleasing as the
current pairing, but it sure would be nice to be consistent and uh,
not have to send people to ms every time they need the fonts :)


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