Re: [Evolution] Palms and Evolution

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 19:03 +0000, xordaii clifzone net wrote:
Is there a step by step way to get gnome-pilot to work? The interface
alone is really hard to use, as it wants to know what cradle I have,
as far as I know, they don't make one for mine.  Do I just put in the
Palm device hotsync name?
"Cradle" is the device file that gnome-pilot should hook for
receiving/sending events from/to the pilot device.  In Linux, it will
typically be /dev/ttyUSB* in case of a USB connector or /dev/ttyS* in
case of a serial connector.  Also, unless and otherwise, you press the
hotsync button, the device-file will not be created.

A sample writeup for configuring USB Palm in FC3 is given in the
following link. 

(the information provided can be applicable accross distribution with
minimal changes)

  Do I run the kpilot hotsync, then have to run
the gnomepilot one seperately and how, from inside Evolution? or will
run fine through kpilot? kpilot seems to say it has an option to use
evolution conduits to hotsync with a Palm, but as far as I can tell,
hasn't been.

I have not tried kpilot + evolution.  Evolution's "Edit->Synchronization
options" invokes gpilotd-control-applet which in-turn starts the
gnome-pilot that runs like a daemon.  So, you don't normally required to
start anything else, but evolution.


V. Varadhan

Very confusing sometimes, but I am willing to try suggestions. Kind of
need my palm for just about everything.  Would help a lot to get the
contacts to sync up so I can find phone numbers and things without
entering the changes by hand every night.

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