[Evolution] Outlook Style Manual Archiving - Is there a way to do it?


I have looked through this mailing list archive and on the web & can't find a way to do the equivalent 
of an Outlook manual archive. Basically what I would like Evo to do, is remove all email from all my 
folders (both on the server and locally) that are older than a certain date.  Usually in Outlook I
would archive anything over 2 years old. It would then allow me to save them in a compressed file on 
my system. This file would maintain the folder structure of where the emails were saved in their 
original Evo folders. 

I have a single folder that is a subfolder of the inbox called "Saved" and within that I have a subfolder 
hierarchy that has all my clients in it, so that I can maintain a history of correspondence for each 
client. That said, after 2 years I can put them into an archive file and only re-open that if I have a 
query that dates back beyond 2 years (very rare).

My main reason for doing this is to keep my mailbox size under control on my mail server and to reduce 
the amount of data Evo has to wade through when performing searches and for general performance. I want
to keep up to 2 years in the server IMAP folders as I often access this from multiple devices like 
phones and tablets when out and about.

Is there a plugin that does this or some other companion application that can do it? Most of what I 
have seen on the web looks like a fairly manual process that looks a bit too complicated for a noob 
like me. Or do I need to raise this as a new feature request.

I am running EVO 3.28.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1  on Linux Mint 19.1.


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