Re: [gedit-list] "Document Words Completion" plugin

Hi Chombee,

	Thanks for your comments!!! The snippets library is at the
start, I really develop the vars popup to test regexp and to do an
standard popup not depending on gedit to use with other applications
(we use it in my job). I want to develop an in-place variable
replacement but I need some time to do it :(

	We are working on include GtkSourceCompletion into
GtkSourceView and, when we finish, we could use it in all applications
using gtksourceview.

	Currently we haven't got a source code completion.
GtkSourceCompletion supports custom providers. You (or someone) can
write a C code provider, a python code provider etc to provide the data
to GtkSourceCompletion. If someone develop this provider, we can use it
in all application with GtkSourceView, this is the idea.


El Tue, 03 Jun 2008 15:45:42 +0100
chombee <chombee nerdshack com> escribió:

> On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 19:43 +0200, Perriman wrote:
> > Hi Chombee,
> > 
> > 	I have developed document words completion. I put the
> > sourceforge link because you need install gtksourcecompletion
> > library and then gedit-documentwords-plugin. In sourceforge page
> > you can find the library and the plugin.
> So I can! Thanks, it's working here. Did you develop
> GTKSourceCompletion itself as well as the gedit plugin? And
> GTKSnippets too? I think you're doing good work. It would be great to
> see these features everywhere, not just embedded in one application.
> The GEdit plugin only seems to activate word completion, not source
> code completion? Is there a way to get source code completion in
> gedit yet?
> Looking at your snippets screencast, I think you are going the wrong
> way with the user interface, using a popup window. Snippets should
> function in-place, in the editor, like the older snippets plugin for
> gedit. But even better than that, checkout the way snippets are
> implemented in Scribes from this screencast, gedit could learn a
> thing or two:
> Personally I think it could go one step further by letting the user
> add a new snippet by just typing it out in a file, highlighting it,
> and selecting 'add snippet.'
> Other things I think gedit and its plugins could learn from Scribes:
> * Automatic word replacement. e.g. when the user type teh it
> automatically changes to the.
> * Scribes' bracket auto-completion is smarter, doesn't get in the way.
> * Scribes' auto-saving feature is great, the user only ever has to
> press Save once, when saving a new file for the first time.
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