[Glade-users] contextuel menu

That's not my question. What I want is the following :
- I'm creating an interface with glade for my application
(a signature application)
- instide of having a window with buttons for signing and
verifying, I want to select the file to sign for exemple
(the icon) then when I rignt click on it, I'll get the
interface made with glade (a window).

Hope you are understanding me and you can help me.

Use the popup menu.

It's on the gtk+ additional page on the palette.  It's
not a widget you 
can see so much, it brings up the edit menu.

Then,  use a button_press_event for whatever context you
want.  For 
instance in a list in the main menu, or whatever.

You'll need to test for what kind of button_press in the
callback for 
the button_press_event (ie left click, right click,
double click, etc).



On 2003.03.12 07:38 asmouta nomade fr wrote:
I'm wondering if there's some functions for creating
contextuel menu instade of generating interfaces on
windows, I mean that I need to right click on a
folder  to
got the window (glade) appearing with all the options,
(like the right click on windows or linux for copy and

I'm a newbie, I've searched such functions but with no
results, can any one clear me?

Any comment will be helpful.

Thanks a lot.
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