[Glade-users] building Glade 3.6.0

Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Damon Register
The widgets are incorrect sizes and overlapping each other.  When I click
on the widgets, sometimes the size will change.

Widgets overlap ? why ... are you using GtkFixed for you project ?
I am using GtkLayout

Glade doesnt make any attempt at respecting size-requests
of the UI inside the workspace, the workspace is made to
I don't totally understand the concept but I get the general

hopefully remain as resizable as possible, for a view of
what your app should look like, we're looking into a preview
Ok, call me a Windows refugee but after 10 years with Borland and
MSVC, I can understand the fixed size/position drag-and-drop concept
so I am using fixed size GtkLayout with fixed size widgets.  For the
apps that I do, that isn't so crazy anyway.  I really do hope that
when using GtkLayout with fixed size/position widgets, Glade will
still respect that as it has in the past.  If not, I am doomed.
If I may use an old quote, "say it ain't so".

Damon Register

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