Re: [glade--]Problem with Gnome-mm-Apps generated by glademm

Ronny Spiegel schrieb:
I wanted to create a Gnome-UI for one of my programs. So I decided to
 try glade (glade-mm) together with gtkmm, gnomemm etc. But there are
 some problems... (I use the newest versions of these programs/libs)

Occasionally someone appears who wants to develop gnome software using
glademm [three people over the last 2 years].
Since I have no need for gnome extensions and am perfectly happy with what gtk2(.3 ;-) ) gives me, nobody took charge to port the gnome1 part of glademm to gnome2.
I did it - half hearted - and never had any use for it.

I don not really know if this is a glademm problem?

it is.

Everything works fine till now. When I try to compile this little test-program there are some errors. These errors can be removed by adding libbonobomm and libbonobouimm to the pkg-config line in and recreating the Makefiles.

Oh, seems that libgnomemm went a long way since I last looked at it.

app1 is of type Gnome::UI::App* and has the function get_dock(). But
as I can see the returned BonoboDock is a structure and not a class.
I think that's why these errors occur.

If you look up the correct code (or tell me that theres no alternative to simply delete the offending calls) I will patch glademm. Promised.

Perhaps anyone has tried to create a gnome-app using the
gnome-widgets and had/solved this problem. I'm really new to gnome
development so I could not solve it yet...

Of course I accept patches ;-)

Sorry to tell you

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