Re: [g-a-devel]gnopernicus robustness and a11y tools in the GNOME2.2 release

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 21:10, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hey Bill,
> > Yes, please log plenty of bugs, so they can be tracked down, etc... I
> > think it's time.
> As you know, we were involved giving a demo of this stuff to a VP last
> week - this stuff is not the most trivial to setup and I really, really
> feel that we need someone to write up some documentation on it - how to
> set it up, how it works, etc...
> Is that possible? since otherwise I somewhat regret to think that no one
> will test it or get interested in it :/

Yes, absolutely!  It's really great of you to volunteer !



> 				See ya,
> 					Glynn ;)

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