Re: Reprise of the panel layout proposal

--- Ben Ford <ben kalifornia com> wrote:
> James Ramsey wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> >If changing the GNOME GUI to better fit its target
> >audience means that some of the current users of
> >can no longer use the latest changed GNOME desktop
> in
> >the same way that they used the older GNOME
> desktop,
> >it probably means that those users were not using
> >GNOME for its intended purpose in the first place. 
> >
> I recently read a history of OS/2.  It was claimed
> that the major reason 
> that OS/2 failed was because it was written by
> develepors *for* 
> end-users, while most other pieces of software were
> written mainly by 
> the people who used them -or- written based on
> specific consumer 
> requests.  It seems to me that this is the way most
> of the people here 
> are thinking.

Quotes from the book you read explaining what it meant
by "the major reason that OS/2 failed was because it
was written by develepors *for* end-users" would be
helpful to insure that we're actually comparing apples
to apples here. Actually, so much of the history of
OS/2 is tied up in business politics between Microsoft
and IBM that the likelihood that any of it has any
bearing on the discussion on this list.

Anyway, my point was that some elements of the GNOME
GUI's feature set are at cross-purposes with the goal
of making GNOME useful for end users, and that the
current GNOME users who were using those elements were
using GNOME for the wrong reasons in the first place.


----I am a fool for Christ. Mostly I am a fool.----

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