Re: Installing gnome the easy way.

On 24 Oct, scribbled:
> I have to say that re-installing Linux is not an option. I should be 
> able to install software on top of my existing Linux without 
> problems, otherwise we're entering the realm of M$... Where 
> installing a "notepad" program might set your computer on fire. ;)
> I think there is a problem in the install process for gnome.  Linux is 
> started to move into the "ease-of-use" direction because of all the 
> attention it's been getting from the media and the corporate world.  
> Gnome should not be an exception to that.  I realize many people 
> have gotten gnome to install properly, but at the same time, I see 
> many people complaining about not being able to.   There should 
> be some sort of a universal install prog/script which checks the pre-
> requisites, gets what's missing, and installs the software.  Any 
> takers?
> Well.. That's just my $0.02 (CDN) after spending 15 hours trying to 
> figure out why gnome-libs doesn't install. :)
> Mitch.

  I agree that reinstalling Linux should not be required, but I'm not
sure this is something Gnome really needs to deal with, simply because
it's already been done (dpkg, RPM, etc...)  On Debian, even Gnome 0.30
installs in about the time it takes to download and unpack for those
(like me!) who don't want to compile the whole mess.  (and it also
checks dependencies and gets missing software, etc.)

  I'm not sure about issues with actually compiling Gnome but my
suspicion is that those will clear up as Gnome progresses towards 1.0
and becomes less volatile (also, I didn't have the impression you were
discussing that).

  Caveat: This is just my opinion and I'm really unqualified to give
it, not being a Gnome developer.  Sorry if I got anything seriously

  Daniel Burrows

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