Re: My first impression and goodbye

I am also new to GNOME and Linux, and I must say in defense of the initial
poster, that section  7 of the FAQ entitled "Help me; it's not working!"
lists the following answer to each question: "The default answer is to
subscribe to the main GNOME mailing list and ask for help. (See Section
mailing list ) "

Karl Gottshalk

>Then they try to start GNOME and it doesn't work. They try again
>and it still doesn't work. They don't have the slightest idea what's
>going on. They have no icons. GMC pops up and on the first click
>it's gone again. All they see are some strange files named anything.core.
>They remember the list, they are frustrated, they post.
>Expecting more than "I can't see any icons" or "GNOME doesn't work"
>is expecting too much, IMHO.
>        FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions at
>         To unsubscribe: mail with
>                       "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

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