Re: enlightenment

On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 12:59:22AM +0100, Ronald de Man wrote:
> Hello,
> I know that I'm missing something, and it's probably something very
> obvious, but when I run enlightenment my windows only have a border
> without any decorations and I have no root menus of any kind. Left mouse
> button on the border is moving, middle mouse button is closing, and
> right mouse button is resizing, and that's all (and I do have multiple
> workspaces etc). Switching themes makes no difference. It says somewhere
> that Enlightenment is very strict and ignores any theme that's not entirely
> correct, but even the default theme doesn't seem to work.
> My copy is fresh from CVS. So is this behaviour expected? (I'm pretty sure
> it's not.) Any ideas what could be wrong?

try removing your ~/.enlightenment directory, this might have caused it

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