Re: Miguel horribly misquoted?

| > Here's a quote from the article...maybe this is it:
| > 
| > "I don't think KDE has a future at this point, it's not completely free yet
> | I hope it was an misquote!  
> Preben Randhol <> writes:
> No it isn't !
> I have just heard the intervjue here:

 He was MISQUOTED. He said both "I don't think KDE has a future at
this point ..." and "it's not completely free yet but they are working
on it" but IN the DIFFERENT PARTS of the interview. The continuation
of "I don't think KDE ..." (which was an answer to a direct question)
was about language independence and importance of it for a UNIX
application framework. I listen through the whole interview and my
impression is that there were no aggressive posturing against
KDE. Being biased (if that is what you think it is) toward GNOME is
natural for the main GNOME developer.


PS. Stop it please. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. And everyone
is entitled to give true and honest answers when asked. 

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