Re: Are these "troubles" due to RedHat 8 or Gnome 2 ?

On 11 Oct 2002, George Farris wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 08:31, ZekeVarg wrote:
> > ???? That's not my opinion. I see the possibility to choose your wm of
> > your desire as one of the most importent features. So if this wont be an
> > option in gnome 2 I don't think I ever will upgrade from 1.4.
> > 
> But it's so simple:
> killall sawfish; metacity
> 	or
> killall sawfish; wmaker
> 	or
> killall sawfish; <your window manager of choice>
> save session on logout.
> Is that too hard.  You could even whip up a little pygtk script to do it
> if you are so inclined.

It is besides the point - it is inherently wrong to design a GUI that
relies on the user going to the command line to change things. As soon as
you start a description with "Start terminal" (whetever explicitly or
implied) you have gone wrong. "killall sawfish; metacity" doesn't really
kmean anything if you don't know about shell syntax in addition to being
less than universaly portable.

> ---
> George Farris <george gmsys com>


	There are voices in the street,
	And the sound of running feet,
	And they whisper the word --

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