Fileselect box

Hi list,

i saw a first version of the new fileselect box today at

Although i do like the design and i am confident that it will be easy to use, i am afraid there is one important feature missing:

The ability to specify a directory where to look in. This is espacially important if you are using the linux automounter which cannot yet(??) display mount points that have not yet been mounted. So i need a text filed where i can type in '/rmdisks/cdrom/*' or something like that and a 'filter' button like other fileselectors do.
I find it very annoying to have to open an xterm, do a
'cd /rmdisks/cdrom', just to be able to access the cdrom in the filesect box.

Or am i missing something? (i really hope so). Also, when selecting a file for writing, a 'create dir' button comes really handy!


Heinrich Rebehn

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