Re: GNOME Chat and the future of instant messaging in gnome

Am 21.10.2015 um 20:54 schrieb Charles Johnson:

Popular protocols go out of style and become so losing backward
compatibility. On the contrary, with the OpenSource protocols does
not happen. I use XMPP almost from its inception, and still valid for
my contacts find me from my business card.

Maybe a bit off, but I would add another thing here: At the very least these means of communication are easily available on Software Libre or FOSS environments. Back "then" when I started using Linux on my desktops, browser choice on that platform essentially was limited to Netscape Navigator / Communicator 4.x (still one of the worst pieces of software I used so far), and there was an extensive list of technologies and features that locked Linux users out.

These days, we do have choices of browsers, we do have technologies such as HTML5 or JavaScript, and we do have a desktop that runs apps written in JavaScript. Likewise, I see more and more people using HTM5+JavaScript on frameworks such as Apache Cordova for building platform-agnostic mobile applications. How long until an HTML5 based client to some of the newer cloud services (Facebook, Google Hangouts, ...) natively will run on a GNOME / Linux desktop?

On the other hand, MTProto (Telegram) is a new protocol, open source,
designed for security and cloud-based technology. Is that

Will MTProto eventually be adopted by GNOME Online Accounts or any other GNOME application some day?

If you use Empathy client is not a offering all the options from XMPP
protocol. -OTR encryption -Advanced gateway settings -Advanced vCard
editing -change Password -Other advanced options related autio/video

Well yes. This is one of my first impressions of Empathy too. Been using pidgin for a while, started using gajim just a few months ago as it seems to work better with our internal XMPP server. There are some things that, nevertheless, still aren't completely "fun" about XMPP - like building a setup with a mobile device and a desktop in which notifications always go to the device I work on _and_ still all the messages are available on all devices. Trying to do so I got completely lost somewhere in between XMPP specifications and drafts, different servers implementing a different set of features and different clients providing a vague different set of functionality too (most multiprotocol chat clients obviously seem not a good choice when it comes to using XMPP specific features). Catering to such use cases in my opinion is something most of the "open source" approaches aren't yet completely up to, at least compared to other approaches including mobile devices (looking at Telegram again).


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