Re: Re: A task panel

Ok, I understand so I made an other mockup much more like a dock than an alt-tab.
I keep the wheel, sorry.
Now it's a good mix between a dock and Alt-Tab. ;)
Your lastest applications are more close to the center than the old with an alt-tab behavior.

I have moved the clock to the right.
And I add crosses in order to quickly close windows and  clean easily your desktop.


2010/5/22 Apoorva Sharma <appi2012 gmail com>

So, in my research of the perfect solution, I built an other mockup and I added a wheel.
Turn the wheel and you can access to each open applications.
We can turn it by just approaching the mouse, without click
I always forgot the desktop shortcut in my mockup but i think we really need one.
I hope that you'll like it

I believe that with a wheel, you are joining two very different ideas: the current time and the current applications. Also, this dynamic clickless wheel is two complex: Although it looks cool, I think that a simple list of icons would be best.
However, the wheel might be a good idea if there are many applications running.

Overall, I think that the date should be moved to the right, and the center should be reserved for only the task bar.

I think this is a great idea that works well with the current gnome-shell.

However I believe there will be less of a need for this idea if windows of the same applications were grouped by tabs in the titlebar.
See my original idea at:

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