Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] question about xdap ldap

> Attribute: sipaddress
> Value: 1234567890

Hmmm. This is hard coded in src/ils.cpp since it came from my original
demo implementation.

: else if (!strcmp ((char *) name,"decip"))
:  entval = xmlStrdup (BAD_CAST "1234567890");

This should really set the current IP address of the endpoint as it
used to do pre-xdap.

Therefore, any ILS server except seconix (which "fixes" the IP address
sent by the client) will have an incorrect IP address for you. A painful
workaround is to edit ils_nm_reg.xml and put your current IP address
in instead of &decip; . There would've been a better solution if we
had enabled the "exec" functionality in the xml file. This allows you
to substitute the output of a command within the xml file. This is
currently disabled since it has potentially unexpected security


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