Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Poll

Here we go...

On Thursday 02 December 2004 08:06, Damien Sandras wrote:
> 1) I'm using GnomeMeeting :
>  b) For fun
 If that is the same as "personal use"

> 2) I think that GnomeMeeting :
>  c) is very stable

> 3) Regarding protocols :
>  c) I don't care what protocol is used as long as it works
 But I think as SIP is becoming more popular, why not SIP support

 4) My major concern was :
>  a) Firewall/NAT problems
 (That's the reason I'm on this list, that of course is a protocol problem, 
because h.323 sucks)

> 5) Regarding Skype :
 e) I personally don't know anyone who uses Skype
 But I believe that the main thing about Skype is that it just works (at least 
I was told so) and that H.323 just doesn't work (most of the time, without 
having to configure at least the other side PC and the router). As far as I 
can tell, the important thing missing about the Skype approach is video, but 
I think that might be in the P2P nature of the protocol.

I think the main thing missing at the moment is a nice Win32 H.323 client that 
can do some more stuff than NetMeeting can do and is more stable than the 
other Open Source stuff. I strongly believe that GnomeMeeting could close 
that hole perfectly, go for it.

Have fun,

        :: Marcus Thiesen :: marcus thiesen org :: ::        
           :: ICQ#108989768 :: 0x754675F2 :: thiesen jabber org ::        

There's only one person who hugs the mothers and the widows, the wives and 
the kids upon the death of their loved one. Others hug but having committed 
the troops, I've got an additional responsibility to hug and that's me and I 
know what it's like
                                                               George W. Bush

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