Hello, Here is a screenshot showing GM on Win ME. A few problems remain, I will try to fix them, and we will publish an alpha version as soon as it is usable by experimented users. Notice it is CVS from last week, so the address book is not functionnal anymore as in the current CVS for Linux. It should look better with GTK-WIMP for windows. That doesn't mean GTK WIN32 has been fixed for threads, but we have workarounds to not trigger them. We hope there are no hidden problems, you will tell us :-) A big thanks to Xavier Ricco and Julien Hamaide who have shown it was possible thanks to their determination. Thanks to the UCL to have done the initial port. Thanks to Julien Puydt to have written a GConf emulation layer. Expect more news and first alpha releases before this summer. Damien
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