Using Glib::RefPtr

I 'm trying to write a little app in Gtkmm on windows;
I have a GtkWindow and want to draw some rectangles on it using gdk functions.
so i retrieve my gdkWindow using the following code
GdkWindow* gdkWindow = GTK_WIDGET(this)->window;
GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(gdkWindow);
But when i try to get a context it goes wrong
he does not like 
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> some_gc = Gdk::GC::create(gdkDrawable);
Can any body explain me what the difference is between a Glib::RefPtr and a C/C++ pointer
Glib::RefPtr<GdkDrawable> versus GdkDrawable*
and how to convert between them?
btw: is there any where an simple example on using gdk (ex. a gtkwindow with some gdk rectangles and some 

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