Re: [gtk-list] Newbie gtk questions

> I'm doing some quick prototyping of my next project (a mini-quicken app),
> using both gtk and Qt, using this as a basis to choose my next widget kit.
> So far, most of the problems I've encountered with gtk have been a lack of
> documentation, but between the source to gtk and gimp, I've been able to
> figure out most things.
> First question: Has anyone been able to compile gubi on a non-Linux
> platform? The MAP_ANONYMOUS define used with mmap() doesn't exist on FreeBSD
> or Solaris.
Yes, I've been meaning to sent in patches. I'll put them up at
Until the author can include them. (Hope you don't mind Tim)

Note however that this is a quick hack of about 10 minutes, and 
I can't garantuee anything, other than that it compiles on my
FreeBSD 2.2.2 system and appears to function correctly.

BTW I can't reproduce the problems with mmap, I didn't have to
patch anything related to mmap.


Marc van Kempen                 BowTie Technology     
Email:            WWW & Databases
tel. +31 40 2 43 20 65         
fax. +31 40 2 44 21 86

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