Re: Getting text out of a GtkTextView

* Seth Remington (sremington saberlogic com) wrote:
> You've created two pointers to a GtkTextIter, but they don't point to a 
> valid GtkTextIter structure in memory. Here's what you probably meant to 
> do...
> void insertCustomer( GtkWidget	*customers )
> {
> 	GtkTextBuffer	*specialBuffer;
> 	GtkTextView		*specialView;
> 	GtkTextIter		start;
> 	GtkTextIter		end;
> 	gchar*			*specialText;
>    specialView = lookup_widget(customers, "cust_instructions");
> 	specialBuffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(specialView);
> 	gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds(specialBuffer, &start, &end);
> 	specialText = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(specialBuffer, &start, &end, 
> 	FALSE);
> 	g_print("Special Text: %s \n",specialText);
> }

The gtk_text_buffer_get_text() routine does *not* work.

* Alejandro Garc?a Rodr?guez (agarcia die upm es) wrote:
> 	Hello, list!
> 	The following link tells you how to get the contents of the
> entire text widget as a string:

No it's not. that url doesn't resolve (at least as far as the #id tag
goes).  Additionally, your suggestion doesn't work either...

>     buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view));
>     gtk_text_buffer_get_bounds (buffer, &start, &end);
>     text = gtk_text_iter_get_text (&start, &end);
>     ...use text...
>     g_free (text);

In both of these instances I get the following error:

 Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid text buffer iterator: either the iter
ator is uninitialized, or the characters/pixbufs/widgets in the buffer have been
 modified since the iterator was created.
You must use marks, character numbers, or line numbers to preserve a position ac
ross buffer modifications.
You can apply tags and insert marks without invalidating your iterators,
but any mutation that affects 'indexable' buffer contents (contents that can be
referred to by character offset)
will invalidate all outstanding iterators

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
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