Re: Orca and Open Office

Hi Hermann:

I haven't seen this sluggishness with Orca/OpenOffice on Ubuntu or
Solaris.  :-(  What kind of machine are you using (GHz and RAM?)?  In
addition, what's the nature of the document you are using?  That is, how
big is it and is it something you could share with us for testing?


On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 14:57 +0100, Hermann wrote:
Hello Tomas,
I tried reading Ofice documents with Festival and Espeak, with no 
difference. The same sluggishness, and tables in ODT-documents wher read by 
cell, no matter what I've switched with insert+f11.
I can't read the documents stored in the examples folder in my home 
directory, a folder that was installed by Ubuntu to show some examles of 
various document types.
However: As I've suspected, the "read row" and "read cell" command works 
fine in the spread-sheet program, for which, it seems, it has been 
designed; it works with Festival and Espeak alike.
btw.: I heard that to increase the accessibility of Open Office under 
Windows one has to install the Java runtime environment. Is this necessary 
for Linux as well?
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