Re: Orca thanks for orca installation suggestions and now a question a about firefox v3

This link points to the latest build of Firefox 3.0:

If you want to recreate this link, go to:

Copy the URL for the Mozilla Firefox Linux link, and remove "installer"
from the URL.  A few weeks ago, I let them know the link on this page
was bad, but they've yet to fix it.  At least they know about it and
will get to it at some point (I'm happy to have them focus on higher
priority things).

Be advised that Firefox 3 currently has some severe stability problems
and will consume all your CPU and RAM.  It's been a problem since around
October 25, but I believe the Firefox folks are working on this.


On Sun, 2006-11-26 at 08:46 +0530, Aruni Sharma wrote:
Hello friends, thanks a lot to all those who chipped in with
suggestions. the good news is that I have been able to install orca
2.17.2. Now I treid working in firefox 2. but was unable to do so. I
also looked for firefox 3 on the web but was not able to find any info
about. Please suggest me how to upgrade to the latest firefox v3. 

On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 15:45 +0100, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

Aruni Sharma wrote:
Hello friends, I tried installing the latest orca but did not succeed. I
followed the steps suggested in the wicky. when I try installing
gnome-devil I get the error: could not find gnome-devil package. Please
note that I edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file as suggested and
issued the command "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install
gnome-devil build-essential automake1.9 python2.4-dev" 

Try the following:
sudo apt-get install gnome-devel
The reason Linux couldn't find the package you wanted was a little typo.
You typed "devil" with an "i" but the correct spelling is "devel" with
an "e". I say this because i noticed that at least my speech synth
pronounced the two spellings identically and if you don't have a braille
display, the mistake could be hard to see.
Hope this helped.

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