Re: [orca-list] access in text consoles

am Fr 25. Apr 2008 um 15:09:20 schrieb Brandon Misch <bmisch2002 gmail com>:
I see. does Yasr support software speech? or would I need to use a  
hardware synth?

It supports both. It comes with Flite through the Emacspeak-server, but you 
can set it up to use a hardware synth.

On Apr 25, 2008, at 9:03 AM, Hermann wrote:
does any screen reader that works with the 6 other terminals ship  
hardy? or would that be a separate package? can't use the first one  
mention because i don't have a braille display but, could use others.

No. brltty is the only one, so you have to install yasr - I hope it's 
available in the Ubuntu repository.

when and if i get orca, i'll be a newbie when it comes to linux and
things like that.

You should decide whether you want to concentrate on a text-only  
Linux, or
prefer to use a graphical interface.
In the latter case, you're moving in the right direction by  
on Gnome with Orca.
If you are more interested in text Linux, check out the url mentioned 
in my
signature; GRML comes with brltty and speakup.

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