Re: [orca-list] access in text consoles

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 03:51:38PM +0200, Hermann wrote:
am Fr 25. Apr 2008 um 15:09:20 schrieb Brandon Misch <bmisch2002 gmail com>:
I see. does Yasr support software speech? or would I need to use a  
hardware synth?

It supports both. It comes with Flite through the Emacspeak-server, but you 
can set it up to use a hardware synth.

As of version 0.6.9, Yasr also supports speech-dispatcher.

In addition, it can work with any software synthesizer supported by Emacspeak

Yasr is available at and has also been packaged
for various distributions, though some of those packages are not up to date.
For example, the Debian package is still at 0.6.5, which is why Mario is
looking for someone to maintain it, or at least to help him maintain it amid
his heavy workload.

There is a mailing list for Emacspeak, but none for Yasr.

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