Re: [orca-list] Orca for users with learning disabilities.

Hi Leena, all.

On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 07:51 -0300, jose vilmar estacio de souza wrote:
Take a look at

If I am not wrong, this is what you are looking for.

That's where I'd start. In particular, the message listed in the opening
report. [1] I would also follow up with Mats. I believe he lurks on the
gnome-accessibility list. He is more active on the oats-sig list. [2]

On 09/23/2010 01:25 AM, leena chourey wrote:
Dear Orca developers,

How can we get the requested feature list/functionalities useful for
leaning disabled as mentioned in 2 year Roadmap?

    Options for Users with Learning Disabilities

If possible, provide the link to forum. As accessibility team we are
exploring and finding the possibilities to work for this category too.
This can help to gather requirements and to contribute to community.

As was also mentioned in the two-year Roadmap, this really should be
done as a independent solution. That is what's in the best interest of
users with learning disabilities; attempting to "bolt on" the support as
an option in Orca is not. But up until now, no one has given any
indication that this issue is one they'd like to tackle. :-( So your
team's interest in addressing this need is very exciting news for the
GNOME community. Please keep us posted on your progress.

Take care.


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