Re: [orca-list] problem with gtk+ and orca

Le 02/09/2019 à 21:48, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
I use Fedora 30 with gtk+3.24.10 which is working as expected with Orca. That said, if upgrading Gtk+ to the next minor release causes Orca to no longer see apps written in Gtk+, either it's a Gtk+ issue or a package issue. Since Orca 3.24.10 works as expected for me, my guess is that it's a package issue. In which case, I'd file a bug against the downstream package in Gentoo.

Also on Debian Testing we've GTK 3.24.10 since July and I'm not aware of any accessibility issues despite many blind people and I use Debian testing.

Best regards,

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