Re: [Anjuta-list] ./configure doesn't find gnome-print

SUCCESS!! (after a week of sorrow and harted against everything with the words "gnome" and "print" on it)
ok, here is the deal:

in redhat, libgnomeprint and gnome-print and gnome-print-devel constitutes a real axis of pure evil, i explain: they have circular dependences, so upgrading them the standard way is doomed to fail.
so, first, remove all the other dependencies of the three damnable packages, 
then proceed doing some:
rpm -e --nodeps gnome-print
rpm -e --nodeps gnome-print-devel

then upgrade libgnomeprint15 in the standard way

rpm -Uvh libgnomeprint15-0.35....

and then install the new versions of gnome-print & gnome-print-devel on top of it
rpm -i gnome-print ...
rpm -i gnome-print-devel

thats it


From: Wei Weng <wweng kencast com>
To: anjuta-list lists sourceforge net
Subject: Re: [Anjuta-list] ./configure doesn't find gnome-print
Date: 26 Nov 2002 12:57:39 -0500

I am using a heavily modified redhat 7.2.

(12:47 Monet:~) rpm -qa | grep gnome-print
(12:56 Monet:~) rpm -qa | grep libgnomeprint

Why dont you try to install using RPMs?

On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 11:10, Cary Maister wrote:
> I'm trying to build Anjuta on RedHat 7.2. When I run ./configure, it
> gives me the error:
> cheking for GnomePrint libraries >= 0.35... configure: error: Did not
> find GnomePrint installed
> But rpm -qa tells me that I have:
> libgnomeprint15-0.35-4
> gnome-print-0.35-4
> I couldn't find anything about this in the archives. Any help would be
> much appreciated.
> cary
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Wei Weng
Network Software Engineer
KenCast Inc.

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