Re: PATCH: Compose Coordinates *FINAL 3*

On 2001.08.21 23:34:23 +0200 christophe barbe wrote:
> I've tested your patch. It's really nice except that I've a 800x600 screen
> and I can't see the first cell.

eek, yes i didnt paid attention for this but thanks for pointing out.

> The problem is that you have used usize to set the cell size (and they are
> oversize).
> This is a big problem because I can't resize the compose window to my
> prefered size and the window is two times larger that the width needed for
> the text (for my settings, my font choice).
> So I prefer the new look but I hate usize and then I prefer the previous
> patch.
> I understand this was a hard work (It takes me several days to add a little
> option in the preferences DB) but I think you prefer to know it now.
> Would it be possible to decrease the cell size?
> Ideally avoid usize and if not possible use the width of "Words: 8888" ....

yes i have thought about this the first time before sending the patch to the
mailinglist. but here some issues.

if i use 'words: 8888' as width and 'size: 00000000 bytes' and this one
continued for each cell then it gives us cells with different sizes each
time. this looks terribly.

if i use 'words: 8888' but then i get 'words: 10000' with one value more then
it doesnt fit into the box anymore.

but yes, i can decrease some of the cells. from 20 chars to 16-18 chars summed
up to all fields this gives us more space but now i need to pay attention for
the first time balsa starup with 640x480 pixels. the previous balsa-coordinates5
patch doesnt care if the screen is sized big or not since its only one string.
the code for it is far easier.

> Would it be possible to put the status bar in a container to allow the user
> to resize its compose window up to 0 even if the whole status bar can be
> displayed ?

i offer you another alternative. that probably fits our all needs. well the
balsa-coordinates5.patch (the old single line one) is a bit hard to read. the
idea with the balsa-coordinates6.patch (the new one with cells) is excellent.
but not suitable for people with little screensizes.

here a alternative for all this.

| From:    [                                        ] | Index: XXXXX |
| To:      [                                        ] | Words: XXXXX |
| Subject: [                                        ] | Lines: XXXXX |
| Cc:      [                                        ] | Size.: XXXXX |
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| LineFeed                                   | Char: 0x00 | X/Y: 0/0 |

i put top right another vpane and see what happens. but this contains
some disadvantages itself.

another idea could be this.

| Words: XXXXX | Index: XXXXX | Char: 0x00                           |
| Lines: XXXXX | Size.: XXXXX | X/Y.: 00/00                          |
| From:    [                                                       ] |
| To:      [                                                       ] |
| Subject: [                                                       ] |
| Cc:      [                                                       ] |
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as toolbar, well this case example looks ugly but we could adjust it with
these nice CELLS shown in the statusbar. so we go by 2 lines this dramatically
decreases the size for one line.

well i am open for any suggestions ideas and whatever also from other people
if they tried my patch. i would be glad to get replies about it so we could
make it even better.

alternative ideas would be cool too. but please keep in mind that i want to
keep this as simple as possible, i dont want to loose control in a simple
window. keeping things as simple as possible is the best solution to satisfy
peoples needs.

> Thank you for your work and sorry for my feedback,

no problem. its still a use case thingy i also gain in experience in gtk so
this thing wasnt lost. no, i could amaze marco pesenti gritti (core head of
galeon) for this statusbar stuff hehehe.

so we have 4 alternatives now.

a) balsa coordinates 5 (the old one in one line)
b) balsa coordinates 6 (the new one with cells)
c) alternative layout for this.
d) drop this idea.

meanwhile you can play with the usize thingy and remove some of the '#'
i would also be happy to get a little screenshoot of your statusbar to
get a feeling how it looks on your system. 12kb jpg doesnt harm :)

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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