Re: Balsa 2.2.0 end user impressions

Am 20.07.04 22:07 schrieb(en) Joacher:
"From:" stands in standard letter papers above addressee.
"To:" and "Cc:" are both receivers, so they should be grouped.
"Subject:" stands in standard paper letters beneath the addressee.

This leads to following layout:

To:         \
Cc:         |-> Addressees group
Bcc:       /

Hmm, yes, that makes sense...

Yes, of course. See attachments.

Ah! Looks nice. This is pretty close to the table I suggested yesterday, and the additional size column would be *really* good. So I would suggest to replace the icon view by a list view (like the structure view tree, but flat, plus additional columns). It could be less high than the icon view, so it could be displayed by default.

I mean, of course the icon has its upside: If it delivers an accurate thumbnail of the attached file. Images, PDF, HTML, you know that from

There can still be an icon in the list view, e.g. using the columns:
icon | MIME type | size | check "attach as reference" | description

Because I don't want to use my current companys SMTP for sending an application to applicants be_my_next_company com

Good point - I was superuser in my last company, so I didn't care ;-) However, in this case the message can still be caught on the gateway machine, just by running a tcpdump there. So in this case, I would *higly* recommend encryption, either by forcing tls (or ssmtp) for the connection or better by encrypting the message itself. You won't sed job applications on a postcard either, won't you?

at all, but it's just an example. If I send as "joacher" via, I want to use as SMTP server, it's a matter of consistency, too. And, just true for common dialup IPs, I don't want to reveal my

Yes, I see. Got your point. Even if there is a firewall blocking it, there should be the possibility to do it in principle.

Cheers, Albrecht.

Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
      Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht dress arcor de

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