2007-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Bug#434499: marked as done (balsa: Crashes on start-up),
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#436169: balsa: Yay, Balsa is working again,
Nicolas Patrois
-o / --open-mailbox command-line option,
Thomas Wilke
Usability problems in 2.3.17,
Johan Brannlund
Proxy support,
Felipe Contreras
The duplicate sending problem is much worse with 2.3.19,
Mark A. Flacy
*Please* make this configurable....,
Mark A. Flacy
Fwd: The duplicate sending problem is much worse with 2.3.19 [mflacy verizon net],
Mark Flacy
r12386 - /packages/unstable/balsa/debian/changelog,
ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.19 released,
Pawel Salek
r12382 - /packages/unstable/balsa/debian/changelog,
r12381 - /packages/unstable/balsa/debian/compat,
Error compiling 2.3.18,
Mario Mikocevic
ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.18 released,
Pawel Salek
few balsa annoyances and one bug,
Mario Mikocevic
gtk+ version poll,
Pawel Salek
Bug#438957: balsa: Invalid memory reference,
Doug Konkin
locks up,
Email hangs balsa,
Geoffrey Leach
Fwd: Deskbar-Applet 2.19.6 released [marduk k-d-w org],
Steffen Klemer
Bug#436169: balsa: Balsa crashes when launched from from ssh,
Nicolas Patrois
Bug#434499: balsa: Workaround found : downgrade gmime2.2 to 2.9,
Pierre M.
Bug#434499: balsa: Balsa crashes when opening mailboxes or while composing mail,
Pierre M.
Bug#434499: balsa: Crashes on start-up,
Sven Arvidsson
Mail converted by MHonArc