Re: [BuildStream] bst show all and bst build all flags

On 03/12/2018 14:04, Phillip Smyth via BuildStream-list wrote:
Hi all,

I'm close to introducing an effective "build world" command and a "validate world" command. This is designed to build and validate all elements in a project, regardless of dependencies.

There is however the issue that a `bst build --all` command already exists which does something different.

So, i wanted to reach out to everyone to get feedback on how we should name these flags.

So far as i understand it, the options are:
both use `bst [command] --all`
both use `bst [command] --world`
or both useĀ  `bst [command]`

The third option defaulting a command without a named element, to the equivalent to --world.

I am open to new ideas/options and hopefully we'll have a final decision soon so i can get everything finished

best regards,
Phillip Smyth [nexus]
BuildStream-list mailing list
BuildStream-list gnome org

Another way would to change the build command to accept the same glob patterns that the split-rules accept.

bst build base/cpio.bst -> builds only the cpio element
bst build "base/*" -> builds every element in the base directory
bst build "base/**" -> builds every element in the base directory and subdirectories
bst build "**" -> builds everything

The quotes are there because I don't know if we can disable the shell wildcard expansion for a particular command.


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