Re: [BuildStream] CAS server resource names & instance names

On Mon, 2018-12-10 at 09:08 +0000, Daniel Silverstone via BuildStream-list wrote:
On Fri, Dec 07, 2018 at 17:32:37 +0000, Jim MacArthur via BuildStream-list wrote:
So, with the default instance_name of a blank string, we should have a
leading slash on the resource name. If we add this in the client, the server
will reject it at the moment. It's a similar situation for writing blobs.

It looks like the CAS server in BuildGrid already handles both cases. Is
there anything important I'm missing here, or can I go ahead and correct the
resource names in BuildStream?

Slightly earlier in the same proto, there is:

// A single server MAY support multiple instances of the execution system, each 
// with their own workers, storage, cache, etc. The exact relationship between 
// instances is up to the server. If the server does, then the `instance_name` 
// is an identifier, possibly containing multiple path segments, used to 
// distinguish between the various instances on the server, in a manner defined 
// by the server. For servers which do not support multiple instances, then the 
// `instance_name` is the empty path and the leading slash is omitted, so that 
// the `resource_name` becomes `uploads/{uuid}/blobs/{hash}/{size}`.

Which I would project to "if `instance_name` is the empty path, the blob URI
does not need to start with a `/`" as well.

This matches my interpretation of the spec. It also matches what the
Bazel client does [1].

I imagine BuildGrid is handling both no leading slash, and a leading slash,
purely as a convenience for how this specification *could* be read both ways.

From my PoV, I'd probably go for a combination approach and update the CAS server
in BuildStream to support both, but not change the client since the way I read the
spec, the client is correct currently.

I would not change anything, client or server side.



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