Re: [BuildStream] [Proposal] Plugin fragmentation / Treating Plugins as Sources

Happy weekend both! :)

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 8:36 AM Tristan Van Berkom
<tristan vanberkom codethink co uk> wrote:

My idea of a `venv` origin is that every version of every BuildStream
plugin from this origin, lives in it's own, isolated venv (i.e. my idea
would have been to "make it actually safe").
As far as I can see, this would require that we never instantiate
plugins in the main BuildStream process, and also that we never assume
that it is okay to have two plugins instatiated in the same process.
I like the idea of per-plugin venvs too, I have a feeling that we can
have them co-exist in the same process though, with some extra
PluginBase-like-import-magic . Is this what you are also thinking
Chandan? I wasn't totally clear. Perhaps it's not as simple as that;
I'm keen to dig deeper.

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