[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: port cellular signal icons
- From: Sam Hewitt <snwh src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: port cellular signal icons
- Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:22:04 +0000 (UTC)
commit 72fdc3b4797bace22fdba8e55a7fd51f5db63156
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date: Mon Jan 10 15:51:54 2022 -0330
symbolic: port cellular signal icons
.../status/bluetooth-acquiring-symbolic.svg | 7 +
.../status/network-cellular-acquiring-symbolic.svg | 6 +-
.../status/network-cellular-disabled-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../status/network-cellular-no-route-symbolic.svg | 6 +-
.../status/network-cellular-offline-symbolic.svg | 6 +-
.../network-cellular-signal-excellent-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../network-cellular-signal-good-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../network-cellular-signal-none-symbolic.svg | 5 +-
.../status/network-cellular-signal-ok-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
.../network-cellular-signal-weak-symbolic.svg | 8 +-
src/symbolic/core.svg | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++-
11 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/bluetooth-acquiring-symbolic.svg
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1,-1 v -6 c 0,-0.554 -0.446,-1 -1,-1 z m -4,3 c -0.554,0 -1,0.446 -1,1 v 3 c 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 1 c
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648.446 280 648 280.446 648 281 L 648 290 C 648 290.554 648.446 291 649 291 L 650 291 C 650.554 291 651
290.554 651 290 L 651 281 C 651 280.446 650.554 280 650 280 L 649 280 z " />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g44882"
+ inkscape:label="cellular">
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+ id="title44963">network-cellular-signal-weak</title>
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+ id="path39844"
+ d="m 661,286 c -0.554,0 -1,0.446 -1,1 v 3 c 0,0.554 0.446,1 1,1 h 1 c 0.554,0 1,-0.446 1,-1 v -3 c
0,-0.554 -0.446,-1 -1,-1 z"
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668.446 280 668 280.446 668 281 L 668 290 C 668 290.554 668.446 291 669 291 L 670 291 C 670.554 291 671
290.554 671 290 L 671 281 C 671 280.446 670.554 280 670 280 L 669 280 z M 665 283 C 664.446 283 664 283.446
664 284 L 664 290 C 664 290.554 664.446 291 665 291 L 666 291 C 666.554 291 667 290.554 667 290 L 667 284 C
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+ id="title44965">network-cellular-signal-none</title>
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688.446 280 688 280.446 688 281 L 688 290 C 688 290.554 688.446 291 689 291 L 690 291 C 690.554 291 691
290.554 691 290 L 691 281 C 691 280.446 690.554 280 690 280 L 689 280 z M 685 283 C 684.446 283 684 283.446
684 284 L 684 290 C 684 290.554 684.446 291 685 291 L 686 291 C 686.554 291 687 290.554 687 290 L 687 284 C
687 283.446 686.554 283 686 283 L 685 283 z M 681 286 C 680.446 286 680 286.446 680 287 L 680 290 C 680
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682 286 L 681 286 z "
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+ id="title44967">network-cellular-offline</title>
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+ d="M 713 277 C 712.446 277 712 277.446 712 278 L 712 286 L 715 286 L 715 278 C 715 277.446 714.554
277 714 277 L 713 277 z M 709 280 C 708.446 280 708 280.446 708 281 L 708 290 C 708 290.554 708.446 291 709
291 L 710 291 L 710 286 L 711 286 L 711 281 C 711 280.446 710.554 280 710 280 L 709 280 z M 705 283 C 704.446
283 704 283.446 704 284 L 704 290 C 704 290.554 704.446 291 705 291 L 706 291 C 706.554 291 707 290.554 707
290 L 707 284 C 707 283.446 706.554 283 706 283 L 705 283 z M 701 286 C 700.446 286 700 286.446 700 287 L 700
290 C 700 290.554 700.446 291 701 291 L 702 291 C 702.554 291 703 290.554 703 290 L 703 287 C 703 286.446
702.554 286 702 286 L 701 286 z " />
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+ id="g44945"
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+ id="title44969">network-cellular-disabled</title>
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+ id="path43387"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:1"
+ d="M 721.53125 276.46875 L 720.46875 277.53125 L 734.46875 291.53125 L 735.53125 290.46875 L 735
289.9375 L 735 278 C 735 277.446 734.554 277 734 277 L 733 277 C 732.446 277 732 277.446 732 278 L 732
286.9375 L 731 285.9375 L 731 281 C 731 280.446 730.554 280 730 280 L 729 280 C 728.446 280 728 280.446 728
281 L 728 282.9375 L 721.53125 276.46875 z M 724.26367 283.32617 C 724.10106 283.50388 724 283.73902 724 284
L 724 290 C 724 290.554 724.446 291 725 291 L 726 291 C 726.554 291 727 290.554 727 290 L 727 286.0625 L
724.26367 283.32617 z M 721 286 C 720.446 286 720 286.446 720 287 L 720 290 C 720 290.554 720.446 291 721 291
L 722 291 C 722.554 291 723 290.554 723 290 L 723 287 C 723 286.446 722.554 286 722 286 L 721 286 z M 728
287.0625 L 728 290 C 728 290.554 728.446 291 729 291 L 730 291 C 730.53401 291 730.9655 290.58467 730.99609
290.05859 L 728 287.0625 z " />
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+ id="title44971">network-cellular-no-route</title>
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+ id="path43391"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:0.34902"
+ d="M 753 277 C 752.446 277 752 277.446 752 278 L 752 282 L 752 290 C 752 290.554 752.446 291 753
291 L 754 291 C 754.554 291 755 290.554 755 290 L 755 278 C 755 277.446 754.554 277 754 277 L 753 277 z M
744.24805 283.34766 C 744.09596 283.52299 744 283.74862 744 284 L 744 290 C 744 290.554 744.446 291 745 291 L
746 291 C 746.554 291 747 290.554 747 290 L 747 289.71875 A 2 2 0 0 1 746 288 L 746 285.45312 A 4 4 0 0 1
744.24805 283.34766 z M 751 284.625 A 4 4 0 0 1 750 285.45312 L 750 288 A 2 2 0 0 1 748 290 C 748 290.554
748.446 291 749 291 L 750 291 C 750.554 291 751 290.554 751 290 L 751 284.625 z M 741 286 C 740.446 286 740
286.446 740 287 L 740 290 C 740 290.554 740.446 291 741 291 L 742 291 C 742.554 291 743 290.554 743 290 L 743
287 C 743 286.446 742.554 286 742 286 L 741 286 z " />
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1.08984,0.2168 0.288,0.28809 0.37271,0.71338 0.2168,1.08984 C 748.76792,282.75927 748.40728,283 748,283 a 1,1
0 0 0 -1,1 v 2 h 2 v -1.17969 c 0.7862,-0.27965 1.44125,-0.87451 1.77148,-1.67187 0.46322,-1.11845
0.20556,-2.41347 -0.65039,-3.26953 -0.53496,-0.53504 -1.24102,-0.83544 -1.96875,-0.87305 z M 748,287 a 1,1 0
0 0 -1,1 1,1 0 0 0 1,1 1,1 0 0 0 1,-1 1,1 0 0 0 -1,-1 z"
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+ <g
+ id="g44955"
+ inkscape:label="cellular">
+ <title
+ id="title44973">network-cellular-acquiring</title>
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+ id="path43395"
+ style="fill:#2e3434;fill-opacity:0.34902"
+ d="M 773 277 C 772.446 277 772 277.446 772 278 L 772 281 L 773 281 C 773.77107 281 774.46966
281.2909 775 281.76562 L 775 278 C 775 277.446 774.554 277 774 277 L 773 277 z M 769 280 C 768.446 280 768
280.446 768 281 L 771 281 C 771 280.446 770.554 280 770 280 L 769 280 z M 760.78711 286.02344 C 760.33671
286.12099 760 286.51956 760 287 L 760 290 C 760 290.554 760.446 291 761 291 L 762 291 C 762.554 291 763
290.554 763 290 L 763 287 C 762.12055 287 761.33488 286.62248 760.78711 286.02344 z M 775 286.23438 C
774.46966 286.7091 773.77107 287 773 287 L 772 287 L 772 290 C 772 290.554 772.446 291 773 291 L 774 291 C
774.554 291 775 290.554 775 290 L 775 286.23438 z M 764 287 L 764 290 C 764 290.554 764.446 291 765 291 L 766
291 C 766.554 291 767 290.554 767 290 L 767 287 L 764 287 z M 768 287 L 768 290 C 768 290.554 768.446 291 769
291 L 770 291 C 770.554 291 771 290.554 771 290 L 771 287 L 768 287 z " />
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+ </g>
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+ id="g47574"
+ inkscape:label="bluetooth">
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+ id="title47576">bluetooth-acquiring</title>
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+ d="M 767.95508 256.00195 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 767.58594 256.08984 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 767 257 L
767 261 L 769 261 L 769 259.20312 L 770.48242 260.5 L 769.91016 261 L 772.86133 261 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0
772.6582 259.74805 L 768.6582 256.24805 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 767.95508 256.00195 z M 764.08984 260.00586 A 1
1 0 0 0 763.24805 260.3418 A 1 1 0 0 0 763.01172 261 L 765.51758 261 L 764.6582 260.24805 A 1 1 0 0 0
764.08984 260.00586 z M 763.01172 267 A 1 1 0 0 0 763.24805 267.6582 A 1 1 0 0 0 764.6582 267.75195 L
765.51758 267 L 763.01172 267 z M 767 267 L 767 271 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 768.6582 271.75195 L 772.6582
268.25195 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 772.86133 267 L 769.91016 267 L 770.48242 267.5 L 769 268.79688 L 769 267 L
767 267 z " />
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+ </g>
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