[NetworkManager-openconnect] (16 commits) ...merge: branch 'lr/gtk-4.0'

Summary of changes:

  27cfe93... shared/nm-glib: add our own g_steal_pointer() macro to shad (*)
  fbc9497... glib: always re-implement g_steal_pointer() (*)
  1a87d1f... build: do a "make dist" insteadof "make distcheck" in build (*)
  d2c56a5... build: bump glib version to 2.34 (*)
  83bdf72... build: specify maximum glib version (*)
  73ec361... build: bump Gtk3 requirement to 3.12 (*)
  5d95734... build: enable errors on autogen.sh (*)
  a63cb91... build: use non-recursive make (*)
  90e791e... properties: turn some graceful returns into asserts (*)
  a66047a... properties: modernize the GtkBuilder file (*)
  db07a47... properties: load the GtkBuilder data from a resource (*)
  650bfa6... properties: use NmaCertChooser (*)
  32ca843... properties: remove NM_PLUGIN_DIR (*)
  82e373b... properties: port to Gtk4 (*)
  e739375... build: distribute gtk4/nm-openconnect-dialog.ui (*)
  070b88a... merge: branch 'lr/gtk-4.0'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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