[dasher/relicence] Reverting
- From: Gavin Henderson <ghenderson src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [dasher/relicence] Reverting
- Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 14:40:10 +0000 (UTC)
commit 07f53a86c1e34960c4f37f0260fcd41c65a9eba0
Author: Gavin Henderson <gavin henderson hotmail co uk>
Date: Mon May 23 15:40:02 2022 +0100
Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++-
Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.cpp | 159 ++++++++------
Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.h | 156 +++++++++++++-
Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp | 415 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
maint/list-all-source-files | 3 -
maint/list-all-text-files | 3 -
6 files changed, 883 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp b/Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp
index 3bc9a220..57b62c5f 100644
--- a/Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp
+++ b/Src/DasherCore/DasherModel.cpp
@@ -572,8 +572,157 @@ void CDasherModel::ScheduleZoom(dasherint y1, dasherint y2, int nsteps) {
-void CDasherModel::ClearScheduledSteps() {
- m_deGotoQueue.clear();
+void CDasherModel::Push_Node(CDasherNode* pNode)
+ if ( pNode->Children() )
+ {
+ // if there are children just give them a poke
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i=0;i< pNode->ChildCount() ;i++)
+ pNode->Children()[i]->Alive(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // This ASSERT seems to routinely fail
+ //DASHER_ASSERT(pNode->Symbol()!=0);
+ // if we haven't got a context then derive it
+ if (! pNode->Context() )
+ {
+ CLanguageModel::Context cont;
+ // sym0
+ if ( pNode->Symbol() < m_pcAlphabet->GetNumberTextSymbols() && pNode->Symbol()>0)
+ {
+ CDasherNode* pParent = pNode->Parent();
+ DASHER_ASSERT (pParent != NULL) ;
+ // Normal symbol - derive context from parent
+ cont = m_pLanguageModel->CloneContext( pParent->Context() );
+ m_pLanguageModel->EnterSymbol( cont, pNode->Symbol() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For new "root" nodes (such as under control mode), we want to
+ // mimic the root context
+ cont = CreateEmptyContext();
+ EnterText(cont, ". ");
+ }
+ pNode->SetContext(cont);
+ }
+ pNode->Alive(true);
+ if ( pNode->Symbol()== GetControlSymbol() || pNode->ControlChild() )
+ {
+ ControlTree* pControlTreeChildren = pNode->GetControlTree();
+ if ( pControlTreeChildren == NULL )
+ {
+ // Root of the tree
+ pControlTreeChildren = GetControlTree();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // some way down
+ pControlTreeChildren = pControlTreeChildren->children;
+ }
+ // Count total number of children
+ // Always 1 child for a root symbol
+ int iChildCount=1;
+ // Control children
+ ControlTree* pTemp = pControlTreeChildren;
+ while(pTemp != NULL)
+ {
+ iChildCount++;
+ pTemp = pTemp->next;
+ }
+ // Now we go back and build the node tree
+ int quantum=int(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION)/iChildCount);
+ CDasherNode** ppChildren = new CDasherNode* [iChildCount];
+ ColorSchemes ChildScheme;
+ if (pNode->ColorScheme() == Nodes1)
+ {
+ ChildScheme = Nodes2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ChildScheme = Nodes1;
+ }
+ int i=0;
+ // First a root node that takes up back to the text alphabet
+ ppChildren[i]=new
+ i++;
+ // Now the control children
+ pTemp = pControlTreeChildren;
+ while( pTemp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pTemp->colour != -1)
+ {
+ ppChildren[i]=new
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ppChildren[i]=new
+ }
+ i++;
+ pTemp = pTemp->next;
+ }
+ pNode->SetChildren(ppChildren, iChildCount);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<symbol> newchars; // place to put this list of characters
+ vector<unsigned int> cum; // for the probability list
+ GetProbs(pNode->Context(),newchars,cum,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION));
+ int iChildCount=newchars.size();
+ DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("ChildCount %d\n",iChildCount);
+ // work out cumulative probs in place
+ for (int i=1;i<iChildCount;i++)
+ cum[i]+=cum[i-1];
+ CDasherNode** ppChildren = new CDasherNode *[iChildCount];
+ // create the children
+ ColorSchemes NormalScheme, SpecialScheme;
+ if (( pNode->ColorScheme()==Nodes1 ) || (pNode->ColorScheme()==Special1 ))
+ {
+ NormalScheme = Nodes2;
+ SpecialScheme = Special2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NormalScheme = Nodes1;
+ SpecialScheme = Special1;
+ }
+ ColorSchemes ChildScheme;
+ int iLbnd=0;
+ for (int j=0; j< iChildCount; j++)
+ {
+ if (newchars[j]== GetSpaceSymbol())
+ ChildScheme = SpecialScheme;
+ else
+ ChildScheme = NormalScheme;
+ ppChildren[j]=new
+ iLbnd = cum[j];
+ }
+ pNode->SetChildren(ppChildren,iChildCount);
@@ -588,7 +737,95 @@ void CDasherModel::AbortOffset() {
m_Rootmin += m_iDisplayOffset;
m_Rootmax += m_iDisplayOffset;
- m_iDisplayOffset = 0;
+// This section calculates the exact dasher coordinate they want to be aiming at
+// and then draws the pointer there
+ myint currDasherMax, currDasherMin, currDasherRange;
+ // Current location in the target string that we are comparing
+ // for correctness
+ CDasherNode *currNode = m_model->Root();
+ if(!currNode)
+ return INT64_MIN;
+ myint norm = GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ // These represent the scaled range of dasher coordinates
+ // start at the current root but grow as you backtrack
+ currDasherMax = m_model->Rootmax();
+ currDasherMin = m_model->Rootmin();
+ currDasherRange = currDasherMax - currDasherMin;
+ // Now find the normalized dasher coordinates for the node we're using as
+ // the "correct path" node, the last correctly typed symbol
+ // (or going back as far as we can without overflow)
+ while(positionOfRoot > posOfFirstDifference)
+ {
+ // IF no parent, but not yet at node of first difference
+ // need to just draw up or down arrow again
+ if(!currNode->Parent())
+ {
+ if( alphabetmap.Get(CurrentTarget.substr(posOfFirstDifference,1), &KeyIsPrefix) <
+ alphabetmap.Get(Context.substr(posOfFirstDifference,1), &KeyIsPrefix) )
+ return INT64_MIN+1;
+ else
+ return INT64_MAX;
+ }
+ myint nodeupper, nodelower, noderange;
+ nodeupper = currNode->Hbnd();
+ nodelower = currNode->Lbnd();
+ noderange = nodeupper-nodelower;
+ currDasherMax += (norm - nodeupper) * currDasherRange / noderange;
+ currDasherMin -= nodelower * currDasherRange / noderange;
+ currDasherRange = currDasherMax - currDasherMin;
+ currNode = currNode->Parent();
+ positionOfRoot--;
+ }
+ // The location we examine first is where we last matched a symbol
+ // So, matching 3 symbols means we look at element 3 (zero-based), 4th elem
+ int currLocation = positionOfRoot;
+ DASHER_ASSERT(currNode);
+ // With the original root's dasher coordinates, find where pointer should be
+ // Go through this loop until no child is found along the target string
+ bool foundChild=true;
+ while(foundChild)
+ {
+ foundChild = false;
+ int childrencount = currNode->ChildCount();
+ if(childrencount > 0)
+ {
+ CDasherNode **children = currNode->Children();
+ for(int ii = 0; ii<childrencount; ii++)
+ {
+ int symbol =
m_model->GetAlphabet().GetAlphabetMap().Get(CurrentTarget.substr(currLocation,1), &KeyIsPrefix);
+ if(children[ii]->Symbol() == symbol)
+ {
+ foundChild = true;
+ currLocation++;
+ currNode = children[ii];
+ // Calculate new dasher high/low/range coords for the child we want
+ currDasherMax -= ((norm - currNode->Hbnd()) * currDasherRange) / norm;
+ currDasherMin += currNode->Lbnd() * currDasherRange / norm;
+ currDasherRange = currDasherMax - currDasherMin;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ return (currDasherMax - currDasherRange/2);
void CDasherModel::LimitRoot(int iMaxWidth) {
diff --git a/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.cpp b/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.cpp
index 899641f3..826e2693 100644
--- a/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.cpp
+++ b/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.cpp
@@ -59,52 +59,92 @@ CDasherNode::~CDasherNode() {
-void CDasherNode::Trace() const {
- /* TODO sort out
- dchar out[256];
- if (m_Symbol)
- wsprintf(out,TEXT("%7x %3c %7x %5d %7x %5d %8x %8x
- else
- wsprintf(out,TEXT("%7x %7x %5d %7x %5d %8x %8x
- OutputDebugString(out);
- if (m_Children) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i=1;i<m_iChars;i++)
- m_Children[i]->Dump_node();
- }
- */
+void CDasherNode::Get_string_under(const int iNormalization,const myint miY1,const myint miY2,const myint
miMousex,const myint miMousey, vector<symbol> &vString) const
+ // we are over (*this) node so add it to the string
+ vString.push_back(m_Symbol);
+ // look for children who might also be under the coords
+ if (m_ppChildren)
+ {
+ myint miRange=miY2-miY1;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i=1;i<m_iChildCount;i++)
+ {
+ myint miNewy1=miY1+(miRange* Children()[i]->m_iLbnd)/iNormalization;
+ myint miNewy2=miY1+(miRange* Children()[i]->m_iHbnd)/iNormalization;
+ if (miMousey<miNewy2 && miMousey>miNewy1 && miMousex<miNewy2-miNewy1)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
-void CDasherNode::GetContext(CDasherInterfaceBase *pInterface, const CAlphabetMap *pAlphabet, vector<symbol>
&vContextSymbols, int iOffset, int iLength) {
- if (!GetFlag(NF_SEEN)) {
- DASHER_ASSERT(m_pParent);
- if (m_pParent) m_pParent->GetContext(pInterface, pAlphabet, vContextSymbols, iOffset,iLength);
- } else {
- std::string strContext = pInterface->GetContext(iOffset, iLength);
- pAlphabet->GetSymbols(vContextSymbols, strContext);
- }
+CDasherNode * const CDasherNode::Get_node_under(int iNormalization,myint miY1,myint miY2,myint
miMousex,myint miMousey)
+ if ( Children() )
+ {
+ myint miRange=miY2-miY1;
+// m_iAge=0;
+ m_bAlive=true;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i=0;i<m_iChildCount;i++)
+ {
+ CDasherNode* pChild = Children()[i];
+ myint miNewy1=miY1+(miRange*pChild->m_iLbnd)/iNormalization;
+ myint miNewy2=miY1+(miRange*pChild->m_iHbnd)/iNormalization;
+ if (miMousey<miNewy2 && miMousey>miNewy1 && miMousex<miNewy2-miNewy1)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
-// kill ourselves and all other children except for the specified
-// child
-// FIXME this probably shouldn't be called after history stuff is working
-void CDasherNode::OrphanChild(CDasherNode *pChild) {
- DASHER_ASSERT(ChildCount() > 0);
- ChildMap::const_iterator i;
- for(i = GetChildren().begin(); i != GetChildren().end(); i++) {
- if((*i) != pChild) {
- (*i)->Delete_children();
- delete (*i);
- }
- }
+void CDasherNode::OrphanChild(CDasherNode* pChild)
+ DASHER_ASSERT ( Children() ) ;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i< ChildCount(); i++)
+ {
+ if ( Children()[i] != pChild )
+ {
+ Children()[i]->Delete_children();
+ delete Children()[i];
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] m_ppChildren;
+ m_ppChildren=0;
+ m_iChildCount=0;
- Children().clear();
- SetFlag(NF_ALLCHILDREN, false);
+// Delete nephews
+void CDasherNode::DeleteNephews(int iChild)
+ DASHER_ASSERT ( Children() ) ;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i< ChildCount(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i != iChild)
+ {
+ Children()[i]->Delete_children();
+ }
+ }
// Delete nephews of the child which has the specified symbol
@@ -125,34 +165,19 @@ void CDasherNode::DeleteNephews(CDasherNode *pChild) {
void CDasherNode::Delete_children() {
// std::cout << "Start: " << this << std::endl;
- ChildMap::iterator i;
- for(i = Children().begin(); i != Children().end(); i++) {
- // std::cout << "CNM: " << (*i)->MgrID() << (*i) << " " << (*i)->Parent() << std::endl;
- delete (*i);
- }
- Children().clear();
- // std::cout << "NM: " << MgrID() << std::endl;
- SetFlag(NF_ALLCHILDREN, false);
- onlyChildRendered = NULL;
-void CDasherNode::SetFlag(int iFlag, bool bValue) {
- if(bValue)
- m_iFlags = m_iFlags | iFlag;
- else
- m_iFlags = m_iFlags & (~iFlag);
-void CDasherNode::Reparent(CDasherNode *pNewParent, unsigned int iLbnd, unsigned int iHbnd) {
- DASHER_ASSERT(!m_pParent);
- DASHER_ASSERT(pNewParent);
- DASHER_ASSERT(iLbnd == (pNewParent->GetChildren().empty() ? 0 :
- m_pParent = pNewParent;
- pNewParent->Children().push_back(this);
- m_iLbnd = iLbnd;
- m_iHbnd = iHbnd;
+void CDasherNode::Delete_children()
+ if (m_ppChildren)
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<m_iChildCount;i++)
+ {
+ m_ppChildren[i]->Delete_children();
+ delete m_ppChildren[i];
+ }
+ delete [] m_ppChildren;
+ m_ppChildren=0;
+ m_iChildCount=0;
+ }
int CDasherNode::MostProbableChild() {
diff --git a/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.h b/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.h
index 3b6ff854..2a7010ce 100644
--- a/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.h
+++ b/Src/DasherCore/DasherNode.h
@@ -24,10 +24,100 @@
#include "../Common/Common.h"
#include "../Common/NoClones.h"
#include "LanguageModelling/LanguageModel.h"
-#include "DasherTypes.h"
-#include "NodeManager.h"
-#include "Alphabet/AlphabetMap.h"
-#include "DasherScreen.h"
+// CDasherNode represents a rectangle and character
+namespace Dasher {class CDasherNode;class CDasherModel;}
+class Dasher::CDasherNode : private NoClones
+ CDasherNode(const CDasherModel& dashermodel, CDasherNode *parent,symbol Symbol,
+ int iphase, Opts::ColorSchemes ColorScheme,
+ int ilbnd,int ihbnd,
+ CLanguageModel *lm, bool ControlChild, int Colour, ControlTree *controltree);
+ ~CDasherNode();
+ // Node relationships
+ CDasherNode ** const Children() const;
+ unsigned int ChildCount() const {return m_iChildCount;}
+ CDasherNode* Parent() const {return m_pParent;}
+ bool NodeIsParent(CDasherNode *oldnode) const;
+ void SetChildren(CDasherNode** ppChildren, int iChildCount);
+ // Orphan Child
+ void OrphanChild(CDasherNode* pChild);
+ void DeleteNephews(int iChild);
+ // Lower and higher bounds, and the range
+ int Lbnd() const;
+ int Hbnd() const;
+ int Range() const;
+ // 'Alive' - this could do with an overhaul
+ bool Alive() const {return m_bAlive;}
+ void Alive(bool b) {m_bAlive = b;}
+ void Kill() {m_bAlive=0;}
+ // 'Seen' - this could do with an overhaul
+ bool isSeen() const {return m_bSeen;}
+ void Seen(bool seen) {m_bSeen=seen;}
+ // ControlNode-related
+ bool ControlChild() const {return m_bControlChild;}
+ ControlTree* GetControlTree() {return m_controltree;}
+ //unsigned int Group() const {return m_iGroup;}
+ symbol Symbol() const {return m_Symbol;}
+ int Phase() const {return m_iPhase;}
+ // DJW Sort out the colour scheme / phase confusion
+ Opts::ColorSchemes ColorScheme() const {return m_ColorScheme;}
+ int Colour() const {return m_iColour;}
+ CDasherNode* const Get_node_under(int,myint y1,myint y2,myint smousex,myint smousey); // find node
under given co-ords
+ void Get_string_under(const int,const myint y1,const myint y2,const myint smousex,const myint
smousey,std::vector<symbol>&) const; // get string under given co-ords
+ void Delete_children();
+ void Trace() const; // diagnostic
+ // Set/replace the context
+ void SetContext(CLanguageModel::Context Context);
+ CLanguageModel::Context Context() const;
+ const int m_iLbnd,m_iHbnd;// the cumulative lower and upper bound prob relative to parent
+ //const unsigned int m_iGroup; // group membership - e.g. 0=nothing 1=caps 2=punc
+ const symbol m_Symbol; // the character to display
+ CDasherNode** m_ppChildren; // pointer to array of children
+ unsigned int m_iChildCount; // number of children
+ bool m_bAlive; // if true, then display node, else dont bother
+ //bool m_bControlNode; // if true, node is a control node
+ bool m_bControlChild; // if true, node is offspring of a control node
+ bool m_bSeen; // if true, node has been output already
+ Opts::ColorSchemes m_ColorScheme;
+ int m_iPhase; // index for coloring
+ int m_iColour; // for the advanced colour mode
+ const CDasherModel& m_DasherModel;
+ // Language Modelling
+ CLanguageModel* m_pLanguageModel; // pointer to the language model - in future, could be different
for each node
+ CLanguageModel::Context m_Context;
+ CDasherNode *m_pParent; // pointer to parent
+ ControlTree *m_controltree;
+ enum {
+ typeRoot=0,
+ typeSymbol=1
+ };
namespace Dasher {
class CDasherNode;
@@ -309,8 +399,33 @@ namespace Dasher {
namespace Dasher {
-inline unsigned int CDasherNode::Lbnd() const {
- return m_iLbnd;
+inline CDasherNode::CDasherNode(const CDasherModel& dashermodel, CDasherNode* pParent,symbol Symbol, int
iphase, ColorSchemes ColorScheme,int ilbnd,int ihbnd,CLanguageModel *lm, bool ControlChild, int Colour=-1,
ControlTree *controltree=0)
+ : m_DasherModel(dashermodel), m_iLbnd(ilbnd), m_iHbnd(ihbnd),
+ m_iChildCount(0), m_bAlive(true), m_bControlChild(ControlChild), m_bSeen(false),
+ m_ColorScheme(ColorScheme), m_iPhase(iphase), m_iColour(Colour), m_Symbol(Symbol),
+ m_pLanguageModel(lm), m_ppChildren(0), m_pParent(pParent), m_Context(NULL),
+ m_controltree(controltree)
+ /*
+ switch (ColorScheme) {
+ case Nodes1:
+ m_ColorScheme = Nodes2;
+ break;
+ case Nodes2:
+ m_ColorScheme = Nodes1;
+ break;
+ case Special1:
+ m_ColorScheme = Special2;
+ break;
+ case Special2:
+ m_ColorScheme = Special1;
+ break;
+ case default:
+ m_ColorScheme = ColorScheme;
+ break;
+ }
+ */
inline unsigned int CDasherNode::Hbnd() const {
@@ -321,12 +436,33 @@ inline unsigned int CDasherNode::Range() const {
return m_iHbnd - m_iLbnd;
-inline CDasherNode::ChildMap &CDasherNode::Children() {
- return m_mChildren;
+inline int CDasherNode::Lbnd() const {return m_iLbnd;}
+inline int CDasherNode::Hbnd() const {return m_iHbnd;}
+inline int CDasherNode::Range() const {return m_iHbnd-m_iLbnd;}
+inline void CDasherNode::SetChildren(CDasherNode** ppChildren, int iChildCount)
+ // DJW - please make sure DASHER_ASSERT is implemented on your platform
+ DASHER_ASSERT(m_ppChildren == NULL);
+ m_ppChildren = ppChildren;
+ m_iChildCount = iChildCount;
-inline const CDasherNode::ChildMap &CDasherNode::GetChildren() const {
- return m_mChildren;
+inline CDasherNode** const CDasherNode::Children() const
+ return m_ppChildren;
inline unsigned int CDasherNode::ChildCount() const {
diff --git a/Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp b/Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp
index bd919943..5c39515c 100644
--- a/Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp
+++ b/Src/DasherCore/DasherViewSquare.cpp
@@ -54,7 +54,159 @@ static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// anything which uses radically different co-ordinate transforms, and
// we can always override if necessary.
-// FIXME - duplicated 'mode' code throught - needs to be fixed (actually, mode related stuff, Input2Dasher
etc should probably be at least partially in some other class)
+void CDasherViewSquare::RenderNodes()
+ Screen().Blank();
+ DASHER_ASSERT(DasherModel().Root()!=0);
+ //DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("RenderNodes\n");
+ // Render nodes to screen object (should use off screen buffer)
+ RecursiveRender(DasherModel().Root(), DasherModel().Rootmin(), DasherModel().Rootmax(),
+ // DelayDraw the text nodes
+ m_DelayDraw.Draw(Screen());
+ Crosshair(DasherModel().DasherOX()); // add crosshair
+void CDasherViewSquare::HandleEvent( Dasher::CEvent *pEvent ) {
+ // Let the parent class do its stuff
+ CDasherView::HandleEvent( pEvent );
+ // And then interpret events for ourself
+ if( pEvent->m_iEventType == 1 ) {
+ Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent *pEvt( static_cast<
Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent * >( pEvent ));
+ switch( pEvt->m_iParameter ) {
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+int CDasherViewSquare::RecursiveRender(CDasherNode* pRender, myint y1,myint y2,int mostleft)
+ // Decide which colour to use when rendering the child
+ int Color;
+ if (GetBoolParameter(BP_COLOUR_MODE)==true)
+ {
+ if (pRender->Colour()!=-1) {
+ Color = pRender->Colour();
+ } else {
+ if (pRender->Symbol()==DasherModel().GetSpaceSymbol()) {
+ Color = 9;
+ } else if (pRender->Symbol()==DasherModel().GetControlSymbol()) {
+ Color = 8;
+ } else {
+ Color = (pRender->Symbol()%3)+10;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Color = pRender->Phase()%3;
+ }
+ if ((pRender->ColorScheme()%2)==1 && Color<130 && GetBoolParameter(BP_COLOUR_MODE)==true) { // We
don't loop on high
+ Color+=130; // colours
+ }
+ // DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("%x ",Render);
+ std::string display;
+ if (pRender->GetControlTree()!=NULL)
+ display = pRender->GetControlTree()->text;
+ if (RenderNode(pRender->Symbol(), Color, pRender->ColorScheme(), y1, y2, mostleft, display))
+ {
+ // yuk
+ if (!pRender->ControlChild() && pRender->Symbol() <
DasherModel().GetAlphabet().GetNumberTextSymbols() )
+ RenderGroups(pRender, y1, y2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pRender->Kill();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int iChildCount = pRender->ChildCount();
+ if (!iChildCount)
+ return 0;
+ int norm=GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ for (int i=0; i< iChildCount; i++)
+ {
+ CDasherNode* pChild = pRender->Children()[i];
+ if ( pChild->Alive() )
+ {
+ myint Range=y2-y1;
+ myint newy1=y1+(Range * pChild->Lbnd() )/norm;
+ myint newy2=y1+(Range * pChild->Hbnd() )/norm;
+ RecursiveRender(pChild, newy1, newy2, mostleft);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+void CDasherViewSquare::RenderGroups(CDasherNode* Render, myint y1, myint y2)
+ CDasherNode** Children = Render->Children();
+ if (!Children)
+ return;
+ int current=0;
+ int lower=0;
+ int upper=0;
+ std::string Label="";
+ myint range=y2-y1;
+ const CAlphabet& alphabet = DasherModel().GetAlphabet();
+ for (int iGroup=1; iGroup < alphabet.GetGroupCount(); iGroup++)
+ {
+ int lower = alphabet.GetGroupStart(iGroup);
+ int upper = alphabet.GetGroupEnd(iGroup);
+ myint lbnd=Children[lower]->Lbnd();
+ myint hbnd=Children[upper-1]->Hbnd();
+ myint newy1=y1+(range*lbnd)/(int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ myint newy2=y1+(range*hbnd)/(int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ int mostleft;
+ if (GetBoolParameter(BP_COLOUR_MODE)==true)
+ {
+ std::string Label = DasherModel().GroupLabel(iGroup);
+ int Colour = DasherModel().GroupColour(iGroup);
+ if (Colour!=-1)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RenderNode(0,(current%3)+110,Opts::Groups,newy1,newy2,mostleft,Label);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RenderNode(0,current-1,Opts::Groups,newy1,newy2,mostleft,Label);
+ }
+ }
CDasherViewSquare::CDasherViewSquare(CSettingsUser *pCreateFrom, CDasherScreen *DasherScreen,
Opts::ScreenOrientations orient)
: CDasherView(DasherScreen,orient), CSettingsUserObserver(pCreateFrom), m_Y1(4), m_Y2(0.95 *
CDasherModel::MAX_Y), m_Y3(0.05 * CDasherModel::MAX_Y), m_bVisibleRegionValid(false) {
@@ -72,15 +224,258 @@ void CDasherViewSquare::SetOrientation(Opts::ScreenOrientations newOrient) {
-void CDasherViewSquare::HandleEvent(int iParameter) {
- switch (iParameter) {
- m_bVisibleRegionValid = false;
- SetScaleFactor();
- }
+int CDasherViewSquare::RenderNode(const symbol Character, const int Color, Opts::ColorSchemes ColorScheme,
+ myint y1, myint y2, int& mostleft, const std::string& displaytext)
+ DASHER_ASSERT(y2>=y1);
+// // DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("RenderNode Symbol:%d Colour:%d, ColourScheme:%d Display:%s
+// //DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("RenderNode %I64d %I64d",y1,y2);
+// // Get the screen positions of the node in co-ords such that dasher RHS runs from 0 to
+// screenint s1,s2;
+// Cint32 iSize = dashery2screen(y1,y2,s1,s2);
+// // Actual height in pixels
+// Cint32 iHeight = Cint32( (Cint32) (iSize * CanvasY)/ (Cint32) DasherModel().DasherY() );
+// if (iHeight <=1)
+// return 0;
+// // horizontal width of the square is controlled by the true size (y2-y1) in Dasher world
+// // All squares are right-aligned.
+// screenint iRight=CanvasX;
+// screenint iNewleft=iLeft, iNewtop=s1, iNewright=iRight, iNewbottom=s2;
+// // Do the rotation
+// MapScreen(&iNewleft, &iNewtop);
+// MapScreen(&iNewright, &iNewbottom);
+// DASHER_TRACEOUTPUT("--------- %i %i\n",iNewtop,iNewbottom);
+ //Screen().DrawRectangle(iNewleft, iNewtop, iNewright, iNewbottom, Color, ColorScheme);
+ // FIXME - Get sensibel limits here (to allow for non-linearities)
+ screenint s1,s2;
+ Cint32 iSize = dashery2screen(y1,y2,s1,s2);
+ // Actual height in pixels
+ Cint32 iHeight = Cint32( (Cint32) (iSize * CanvasY)/ (Cint32) DasherModel().DasherY() );
+ if( iHeight <= 1 )
+ return 0; // We're too small to render
+ if(( y1 > DasherVisibleMaxY() ) || ( y2 < DasherVisibleMinY() ))
+ return 0; // We're entirely off screen, so don't render.
+ myint iDasherSize( y2 - y1 );
+ // FIXME - get rid of pointless assignment below
+ int iTruncation( GetLongParameter(LP_TRUNCATION) ); // Trucation farction times 100;
+ int iTruncationType( GetLongParameter(LP_TRUNCATIONTYPE) );
+ if( iTruncation == 0 ) { // Regular squares
+ DasherDrawRectangle( iDasherSize, y2, 0, y1, Color, ColorScheme );
+ }
+ else {
+ int iDasherY( DasherModel().DasherY() );
+ int iSpacing( iDasherY / 128 ); // FIXME - assuming that this is an integer below
+ int iXStart;
+ switch( iTruncationType ) {
+ case 0:
+ iXStart = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ iXStart = iSize - iSize * iTruncation / 200;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ iXStart = iSize - iSize * iTruncation / 100;
+ break;
+ }
+ int iTipMin( (y2 - y1) * iTruncation / (200) + y1 );
+ int iTipMax( y2 - (y2 - y1) * iTruncation / (200) );
+ int iLowerMin( ((y1+1) / iSpacing)*iSpacing );
+ int iLowerMax( ((iTipMin-1) / iSpacing )*iSpacing );
+ int iUpperMin( ((iTipMax+1) / iSpacing )*iSpacing );
+ int iUpperMax( ((y2-1) / iSpacing)*iSpacing );
+ if( iLowerMin < 0 )
+ iLowerMin = 0;
+ if( iLowerMax < 0 )
+ iLowerMax = 0;
+ if( iUpperMin < 0 )
+ iUpperMin = 0;
+ if( iUpperMax < 0 )
+ iUpperMax = 0;
+ if( iLowerMin > iDasherY )
+ iLowerMin = iDasherY;
+ if( iLowerMax > iDasherY )
+ iLowerMax = iDasherY;
+ if( iUpperMin > iDasherY )
+ iUpperMin = iDasherY;
+ if( iUpperMax > iDasherY )
+ iUpperMax = iDasherY;
+ while( iLowerMin < y1 )
+ iLowerMin += iSpacing;
+ while( iLowerMax > iTipMin)
+ iLowerMax -= iSpacing;
+ while( iUpperMin < iTipMax )
+ iUpperMin += iSpacing;
+ while( iUpperMax > y2 )
+ iUpperMax -= iSpacing;
+ int iLowerCount( (iLowerMax - iLowerMin) / iSpacing + 1 );
+ int iUpperCount( (iUpperMax - iUpperMin) / iSpacing + 1 );
+ if( iLowerCount < 0 )
+ iLowerCount = 0;
+ if( iUpperCount < 0 )
+ iUpperCount = 0;
+ int iTotalCount( iLowerCount + iUpperCount + 6 );
+ myint *x = new myint[iTotalCount] ;
+ myint *y = new myint[iTotalCount] ;
+ // Weird duplication here is to make truncated squares possible too
+ x[0] = 0;
+ y[0] = y1;
+ x[1] = iXStart;
+ y[1] = y1;
+ x[iLowerCount + 2] = iDasherSize;
+ y[iLowerCount + 2] = iTipMin;
+ x[iLowerCount + 3] = iDasherSize;
+ y[iLowerCount + 3] = iTipMax;
+ x[iTotalCount - 2] = iXStart;
+ y[iTotalCount - 2] = y2;
+ x[iTotalCount - 1] = 0;
+ y[iTotalCount - 1] = y2;
+ for( int i(0); i < iLowerCount; ++i ) {
+ x[i+2] = (iLowerMin + i * iSpacing - y1) * (iDasherSize - iXStart) / (iTipMin - y1) + iXStart;
+ y[i+2] = iLowerMin + i * iSpacing;
+ }
+ for( int j(0); j < iUpperCount; ++j ) {
+ x[j+iLowerCount + 4] = (y2 - (iUpperMin + j * iSpacing)) * (iDasherSize - iXStart) / (y2 -
iTipMax) + iXStart;
+ y[j+iLowerCount + 4] = iUpperMin + j * iSpacing;
+ }
+ DasherPolygon( x, y, iTotalCount, Color );
+ delete x;
+ delete y;
+ }
+ myint iDasherAnchorX( iDasherSize );
+ myint iDasherAnchorY( (std::min(y2 , DasherVisibleMaxY()) + std::max(y1, DasherVisibleMinY()))/2 );
+ std::string sDisplayText;
+ if( displaytext != std::string("") )
+ sDisplayText = displaytext;
+ else
+ sDisplayText = DasherModel().GetDisplayText(Character);
+ DasherDrawText( iDasherAnchorX, y1, iDasherAnchorX, y2, sDisplayText, mostleft );
+ return 1;
+void CDasherViewSquare::CheckForNewRoot()
+ CDasherNode * const root=DasherModel().Root();
+ CDasherNode ** const children=root->Children();
+ myint y1=DasherModel().Rootmin();
+ myint y2=DasherModel().Rootmax();
+ // This says that the root node must enclose everything visible.
+ // Tiny probability characters near the bottom will cause a problem
+ // with forcing to reparent to the previous one.
+ if ((y1>myint(0) || y2 < DasherModel().DasherY() || dasherx2screen(y2-y1)>0)) {
+ DasherModel().Reparent_root(root->Lbnd(),root->Hbnd());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (children==0)
+ return;
+ int alive=0;
+ int theone=0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ // Find whether there is exactly one alive child; if more, we don't care.
+ for (i=0;i<root->ChildCount();i++)
+ {
+ if (children[i]->Alive())
+ {
+ alive++;
+ theone=i;
+ if(alive>1) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (alive==1)
+ {
+ // We must have zoomed sufficiently that only one child of the root node
+ // is still alive. Let's make it the root.
+ y1=DasherModel().Rootmin();
+ y2=DasherModel().Rootmax();
+ myint range=y2-y1;
+ myint newy1=y1+(range*children[theone]->Lbnd())/(int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ myint newy2=y1+(range*children[theone]->Hbnd())/(int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
+ if (newy1<myint(0) && newy2> DasherModel().DasherY()) {
+ myint left=dasherx2screen(newy2-newy1);
+ if (left<myint(0)) {
+ DasherModel().Make_root(theone);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
CDasherNode *CDasherViewSquare::Render(CDasherNode *pRoot, myint iRootMin, myint iRootMax,
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