[gnome-user-docs] Update Croatian translation
- From: Translations User D-L <translations src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-user-docs] Update Croatian translation
- Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2022 14:02:04 +0000 (UTC)
commit 5d34f5a544b0a9f02515c0f414d5fa73bed48b2f
Author: Goran Vidović <trebelnik2 gmail com>
Date: Sat Sep 10 14:02:02 2022 +0000
Update Croatian translation
gnome-help/hr/hr.po | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-help/hr/hr.po b/gnome-help/hr/hr.po
index 996cefe5..2e19f3df 100644
--- a/gnome-help/hr/hr.po
+++ b/gnome-help/hr/hr.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-user-docs master\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-09 15:42+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-10 01:00+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-10 16:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: gogo <trebelnik2 gmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <hr li org>\n"
"Language: hr\n"
@@ -4467,32 +4467,34 @@ msgstr "Natalia Ruz Leiva"
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:28
msgid "Run benchmarks on your hard disk to check how fast it is."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niz testova Ävrstog diska u svrhu provjere brzine."
#. (itstool) path: page/title
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:31
msgid "Test the performance of your hard disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Testiranje performansi Ävrstog diska"
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:40
msgid "To test the speed of your hard disk:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Za testiranje performansi Ävrstog diska:"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:44
msgid "Open <app>Disks</app> from the <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Activities</gui> overview."
msgstr ""
+"Otvorite <app>Diskovi</app> aplikaciju iz <gui xref=\"shell-introduction#activities\">Aktivnosti</gui> "
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:48
msgid "Choose the disk from the list in the left pane."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Odaberite disk s popisa u lijevom panelu."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:51
msgid "Click the menu button and select <gui>Benchmark disk…</gui> from the menu."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pritisnite tipku izbornika i odaberite <gui>Testiraj disk…</gui> iz izbornika."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:55
@@ -4500,6 +4502,8 @@ msgid ""
"Click <gui>Start Benchmark…</gui> and adjust the <gui>Transfer Rate</gui> and <gui>Access Time</gui> "
"parameters as desired."
msgstr ""
+"Kliknite na <gui>Pokreni test...</gui> i prilagodite parametre <gui>Brzina prijenosa</gui> i <gui>Vrijeme "
+"pristupa</gui> po želji."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:59
@@ -4508,6 +4512,9 @@ msgid ""
"admin-explain\">Administrative privileges</link> may be required. Enter your password, or the password for "
"the requested administrator account."
msgstr ""
+"Kliknite na <gui>Pokreni testiranje…</gui> za testiranje koliko brzo se podaci mogu Äitati s diska. <link "
+"xref=\"user-admin-explain\">Administratorske ovlasti</link> mogu biti zatražene. Upišite svoju lozinku ili "
+"lozinku za traženi administratorski raÄun."
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:64
@@ -4515,6 +4522,8 @@ msgid ""
"If <gui>Perform write-benchmark</gui> is checked, the benchmark will test how fast data can be read from
and "
"written to the disk. This will take longer to complete."
msgstr ""
+"Ako je odabrano <gui>Pokreni test zapisivanja</gui>, testirati će se koliko brzo se podaci mogu Äitati s "
+"diska i pisati na disk. Ovo može potrajati duže."
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:71
@@ -4525,6 +4534,11 @@ msgid ""
"while the red line represents write rates; these are shown as access data rates on the left axis, plotted "
"against percentage of the disk traveled, from the outside to the spindle, along the bottom axis."
msgstr ""
+"Kada je test gotov, rezultati će se pojaviti na grafikonu. Zelene toÄke i spojne linije oznaÄavaju uzete "
+"uzorke; oni odgovaraju desnoj osi, pokazujući vrijeme pristupa, iscrtano nasuprot donje osi,
predstavljajući "
+"postotak vremena proteklog tijekom testa. Plava linija predstavlja brzinu Äitanja, dok crvena linija "
+"predstavlja brzinu pisanja; one su prikazane kao brzine pristupa podacima na lijevoj osi, iscrtane u odnosu
+"na postotak prijeđenog diska, od vanjske strane do osovine, duž donje osi."
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-benchmark.page:80
@@ -4532,6 +4546,8 @@ msgid ""
"Below the graph, values are displayed for minimum, maximum and average read and write rates, average access
"time and time elapsed since the last benchmark test."
msgstr ""
+"Ispod grafikona prikazane su vrijednosti za najmanju, najveću i prosjeÄnu brzinu Äitanja i pisanja, "
+"prosjeÄno vrijeme pristupa i vrijeme proteklo od posljednjeg testa."
#. (itstool) path: credit/name
#: C/disk-capacity.page:20 C/net-findip.page:30
@@ -4798,12 +4814,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/disk-format.page:17
msgid "Remove all of the files and folders from an external hard disk or USB flash drive by formatting it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uklanjanje svih datoteka i mapa s vanjskog Ävrstog diska ili USB ureÄ‘aja pohrane formatiranjem."
#. (itstool) path: page/title
#: C/disk-format.page:22
msgid "Wipe everything off a removable disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brisanje sadržaja prijenosnog diska"
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-format.page:24
@@ -4812,16 +4828,19 @@ msgid ""
"completely remove all of its files and folders. You can do this by <em>formatting</em> the disk — this "
"deletes all of the files on the disk and leaves it empty."
msgstr ""
+"Ako imate prijenosni disk, poput USB memorije ili vanjskog Ävrstog diska, ponekada možete poželjeti potpuno
+"ukloniti sve njegove datoteke i mape. To možete uÄiniti <em>formatiranjem</em> diska — ovo briÅ¡e sve "
+"datoteke na disku i ostavlja ga praznim."
#. (itstool) path: steps/title
#: C/disk-format.page:30
msgid "Format a removable disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Formatiranje prijenosnog diska"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:35
msgid "Select the disk you want to wipe from the list of storage devices on the left."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Odaberite disk koji želite obrisati s popisa uređaja pohrane na lijevoj strani."
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-format.page:39
@@ -4829,6 +4848,8 @@ msgid ""
"Make sure that you have selected the correct disk! If you choose the wrong disk, all of the files on the "
"other disk will be deleted!"
msgstr ""
+"Provjerite jeste li odabrali ispravan disk! Ako odaberete pogrešan disk, sve datoteke na drugom disku bit
će "
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:44
@@ -4836,11 +4857,13 @@ msgid ""
"In the toolbar underneath the <gui>Volumes</gui> section, click the menu button. Then click <gui>Format "
msgstr ""
+"U alatnoj traci ispod odjeljka <gui>Uređaji</gui> kliknite na tipku izbornika. Zatim kliknite na "
+"<gui>Formatiraj particiju…</gui>."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:48
msgid "In the window that pops up, choose a file system <gui>Type</gui> for the disk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "U otvorenom prozoru odaberite <gui>Vrstu</gui> datoteÄnog sustava za disk."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:50
@@ -4849,6 +4872,9 @@ msgid ""
"If you only use it on Windows, <gui>NTFS</gui> may be a better option. A brief description of the file "
"system type will be presented as a label."
msgstr ""
+"Ako koristite disk na Mac OS i Windows raÄunalima uz Linux raÄunalo, odaberite <gui>FAT</gui>. Ako ga "
+"koristite samo na Windowsima, <gui>NTFS</gui> bi mogao biti bolja mogućnost. Kratak opis vrste datoteÄnog "
+"sustava bit će predstavljen kao naziv."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:56
@@ -4856,6 +4882,8 @@ msgid ""
"Give the disk a name and click <gui>Next</gui> to continue and show a confirmation window. Check the
details "
"carefully, and click <gui>Format</gui> to wipe the disk."
msgstr ""
+"Dodijelite naziv uređaja i kliknite <gui>Sljedeće</gui> za nastavak i prikaz prozora potvrde. Oprezno "
+"provjerite pojedinosti i kliknite na <gui>Formatiraj</gui> za brisanje diska."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-format.page:61
@@ -4863,11 +4891,13 @@ msgid ""
"Once the formatting has finished, click the eject icon to safely remove the disk. It should now be blank
and "
"ready to use again."
msgstr ""
+"Nakon što je formatiranje završeno, kliknite ikonu za izbacivanje kako bi sigurno uklonili disk. Sada bi "
+"trebao biti prazan i spreman za ponovno korištenje."
#. (itstool) path: note/title
#: C/disk-format.page:67
msgid "Formatting a disk does not securely delete your files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Formatiranje diska ne briše potpuno vaše datoteke"
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-format.page:68
@@ -4876,16 +4906,19 @@ msgid ""
"to have files on it, but it is possible that special recovery software could retrieve the files. If you
need "
"to securely delete the files, you will need to use a command-line utility, such as <app>shred</app>."
msgstr ""
+"Formatiranje diska ne briše u potpunosti njegove podatake. Formatirani disk neće izgledati kao da ima "
+"datoteke na sebi, ali je moguće pomoću posebnog softvera za oporavak obnoviti datoteke. Ako trebate potpuno
+"obrisati datoteke, morat ćete koristiti pomagalo naredbenog retka, kao što je <app>shred</app>."
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/disk-partitions.page:15
msgid "Understand what volumes and partitions are and use the disk utility to manage them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Što su uređaji i particije, upravljanje diskovima pomoću pomagala."
#. (itstool) path: page/title
#: C/disk-partitions.page:20
msgid "Manage volumes and partitions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Upravljanje uređajima i particijama"
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:22
@@ -4896,6 +4929,12 @@ msgid ""
"volumes may be hard drives, USB drives, DVD-RWs, SD cards, and other media. If a volume is currently "
"mounted, you can read (and possibly write) files on it."
msgstr ""
+"Izraz <em>ureÄ‘aj</em> se koristi za opisivanje ureÄ‘aja pohrane, poput Ävrstog diska. Može se odnositi i na "
+"<em>dio</em> pohrane na tom ureÄ‘aju, jer pohranu možete podijeliti na dijelove. RaÄunalo ovu pohranu Äini "
+"dostupnom putem vaÅ¡eg datoteÄnog sustava u procesu koji se naziva <em>montiranje</em>. Montirani ureÄ‘aji "
+"mogu biti Ävrsti diskovi, optiÄki ureÄ‘aji pohrane (Blu-ray, CD-RW, DVD-RW, HD-DVD), SD kartice, USB ureÄ‘aji
+"pohrane i ostali mediji. Ako je ureÄ‘aj trenutno montiran, možete Äitati (i eventualno pisati) datoteke po "
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:30
@@ -4905,21 +4944,25 @@ msgid ""
"mounted, it can be referred to as a volume because you can access the files on it. You can think of volumes
"as the labeled, accessible “storefronts†to the functional “back rooms†of partitions and drives."
msgstr ""
+"Često se montirani uređaj naziva <em>particijom</em>, iako nužno nisu ista stvar. “Particija†se odnosi na "
+"<em>fiziÄko</em> podruÄje pohrane na jednom disku. Nakon Å¡to se particija montira, može se nazvati ureÄ‘ajem
+"jer možete pristupiti datotekama na njoj. UreÄ‘aje možete zamisliti kao oznaÄene, dostupne \"izloge\" sve do
+"funkcionalnih \"spremišta\" particija i uređaja."
#. (itstool) path: section/title
#: C/disk-partitions.page:38
msgid "View and manage volumes and partitions using the disk utility"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pregled i upravljanje uređajima i particijama pomoću pomagala za disk"
#. (itstool) path: section/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:40
msgid "You can check and modify your computer’s storage volumes with the disk utility."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Možete provjeriti i promijeniti ureÄ‘aje pohrane raÄunala pomoću pomagala za disk."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:45
msgid "Open the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and start <app>Disks</app>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Otvorite <gui>Aktivnosti</gui> pregled i pokrenite <app>Diskovi</app> pomagalo ."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:48
@@ -4927,6 +4970,8 @@ msgid ""
"In the list of storage devices on the left, you will find hard disks, CD/DVD drives, and other physical "
"devices. Click the device you want to inspect."
msgstr ""
+"Na popisu ureÄ‘aja pohrane s lijeve strane pronaći ćete Ävrste diskove, Blu-ray/CD/DVD/HD-DVD optiÄke
uređaje "
+"i druge fiziÄke ureÄ‘aje. Pritisnite na željeni ureÄ‘aj ZZZZprovjeriti."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:53
@@ -4934,11 +4979,13 @@ msgid ""
"The right pane provides a visual breakdown of the volumes and partitions present on the selected device. It
"also contains a variety of tools used to manage these volumes."
msgstr ""
+"Desni pregled pruža vizualni prikaz uređaja i particija prisutnih na odabranom uređaju. Isto tako sadrži "
+"razne alate koji se koriste za upravljanje tim uređajima."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:56
msgid "Be careful: it is possible to completely erase the data on your disk with these utilities."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Budite oprezni: moguće je potpuno obrisati podatke na disku ovim pomagalima."
#. (itstool) path: section/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:61
@@ -4948,6 +4995,10 @@ msgid ""
"partition contains your operating system, applications, settings, and personal files. These files can also "
"be distributed among multiple partitions for security or convenience."
msgstr ""
+"VaÅ¡e raÄunalo najvjerojatnije ima najmanje jednu <em>primarnu</em> particiju i jednu <em>swap</em> "
+"particiju. Operativni sustav koristi swap particiju za upravljanje memorijom i rijetko se montira. Primarna
+"particija sadrži vaš operativni sustav, aplikacije, postavke i osobne datoteke. Ove se datoteke isto tako "
+"mogu distribuirati na viÅ¡e particija u svrhu sigurnosti ili praktiÄnosti."
#. (itstool) path: section/p
#: C/disk-partitions.page:68
@@ -4958,16 +5009,22 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Edit Partition…</gui> and look at its <gui>Flags</gui>. External media such as USB drives and CDs may "
"also contain a bootable volume."
msgstr ""
+"Jedna primarna particija mora sadržavati podatke koje vaÅ¡e raÄunalo koristi za pokretanje ili
<em>boot</em>. "
+"Zbog toga se ponekad naziva particija pokretanja (boot) ili uređaj pokretanja (boot). Kako bi utvrdili može
+"li se disk pokrenuti, odaberite particiju i kliknite na tipku izbornika u alatnoj traci ispod popisa "
+"particija. Zatim kliknite na <gui>Uredi particiju...</gui> i pogledajte njezine <gui>Oznake</gui>. Vanjski "
+"mediji poput USB ureÄ‘aja i Blu-ray/CD/DVD/HD-DVD optiÄkih ureÄ‘aja isto tako mogu sadržavati ureÄ‘aj za "
+"pokretanje sustava."
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/disk-repair.page:15
msgid "Check if a filesystem is damaged and bring it back into a usable state."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Provjera oÅ¡tećenja datoteÄnog sustava i vraćanje u upotrebljivo stanje."
#. (itstool) path: page/title
#: C/disk-repair.page:20
msgid "Repair a damaged filesystem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Popravak oÅ¡tećenog datoteÄnog sustava"
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:22
@@ -4976,6 +5033,9 @@ msgid ""
"After such an incident it is recommended to <em>repair</em> or at least <em>check</em> the filesystem to "
"prevent future data loss."
msgstr ""
+"DatoteÄni sustavi mogu biti oÅ¡tećeni zbog neoÄekivanog prekida napajanja, gubitka el. energije, ruÅ¡enja "
+"sustava i prisilnog uklanjanja ureÄ‘aja. Nakon takvog incidenta preporuÄuje se <em>popravak</em> ili barem "
+"<em>provjera</em> datoteÄnog sustava kako bi se sprijeÄio budući gubitak podataka."
#. (itstool) path: page/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:26
@@ -4983,11 +5043,14 @@ msgid ""
"Sometimes a repair is required in order to mount or modify a filesystem. Even if a <em>check</em> does not "
"report any damage the filesystem might still be marked as ‘dirty’ internally and require a repair."
msgstr ""
+"Ponekada je potreban popravak kako bi se montirao ili promijenio datoteÄni sustav. ÄŒak iako <em>provjera</"
+"em> ne prijavi nikakvo oÅ¡tećenje, datoteÄni sustav može unutar biti oznaÄen kao prljav 'dirty' i
zahtijevati "
#. (itstool) path: steps/title
#: C/disk-repair.page:31
msgid "Check if a filesystem is damaged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Provjera oÅ¡tećenja datoteÄnog sustava"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:36 C/disk-repair.page:79 C/disk-resize.page:37
@@ -5004,6 +5067,8 @@ msgid ""
"In the toolbar underneath the <gui>Volumes</gui> section, click the menu button. Then click <gui>Check "
msgstr ""
+"U alatnoj traci ispod odjeljka <gui>Uređaji</gui> kliknite na tipku izbornika. Zatim kliknite <gui>Provjeri
+"datoteÄni sustav…</gui>."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:45
@@ -5011,6 +5076,8 @@ msgid ""
"Depending on how much data is stored in the filesystem a check may take longer time. Confirm to start the "
"action in the dialog that pops up."
msgstr ""
+"Ovisno o tome koliko je podataka pohranjeno u datoteÄnom sustavu, provjera može potrajati. Potvrdite "
+"pokretanje radnje u pojavljenom dijalogu."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:47
@@ -5018,6 +5085,8 @@ msgid ""
"The action will not modify the filesystem but will unmount it if needed. Be patient while the filesystem is
msgstr ""
+"Radnja neće promijeniti datoteÄni sustav, ali će ga odmontirati ako je potrebno. Budite strpljivi dok se "
+"datoteÄni sustav provjerava."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:51
@@ -5025,11 +5094,14 @@ msgid ""
"After completion you will be notified whether the filesystem is damaged. Note that in some cases even if
the "
"filesystem is undamaged it still may need to be repaired to reset an internal ‘dirty’ marker."
msgstr ""
+"Nakon zavrÅ¡etka bit ćete obavijeÅ¡teni je li datoteÄni sustav oÅ¡tećen. Zapamtite da u pojedinim sluÄajevima,
+"Äak iako je datoteÄni sustav neoÅ¡tećen, možda će ga trebati popraviti kako bi se poniÅ¡tila unutarnja
prljava "
+"'dirty' oznaka."
#. (itstool) path: note/title
#: C/disk-repair.page:58
msgid "Possible data loss when repairing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mogući gubitak podataka pri popravku"
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:59
@@ -5039,6 +5111,10 @@ msgid ""
"the <em>lost+found</em> folder in the top level directory of the filesystem where these recovered file
parts "
"can be found."
msgstr ""
+"Ako je struktura datoteÄnog sustava oÅ¡tećena, to može utjecati na datoteke pohranjene u njemu. U pojedinim "
+"sluÄajevima te se datoteke ne mogu ponovno dovesti u valjani oblik i biti će obrisane ili premjeÅ¡tene u "
+"poseban direktorij. ObiÄno je to <em>lost+found</em> mapa u direktoriju najviÅ¡e razine datoteÄnog sustava "
+"gdje se mogu pronaći ovi obnovljeni dijelovi datoteke."
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:64
@@ -5046,6 +5122,8 @@ msgid ""
"If the data is too valuable to be lost during this process, you are advised to back it up by saving an
image "
"of the volume before repairing."
msgstr ""
+"Ako su podaci previše vrijedni da se izgube tijekom ovog procesa, savjetujemo vam da napravite sigurnosnu "
+"kopiju spremanjem slike uređaja prije popravka."
#. (itstool) path: note/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:67
@@ -5053,11 +5131,14 @@ msgid ""
"This image can be then processed with forensic analysis tools like <app>sleuthkit</app> to further recover "
"missing files and data parts which were not restored during the repair, and also previously removed files."
msgstr ""
+"Ova se slika zatim može obraditi alatima za forenziÄku analizu kao Å¡to je <app>sleuthkit</app> za daljnji "
+"oporavak datoteka i dijelova podataka koji nedostaju i koji nisu obnovljeni tijekom popravka, kao i prije "
+"uklonjenih datoteka."
#. (itstool) path: steps/title
#: C/disk-repair.page:74
msgid "Repair a filesystem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Popravak datoteÄnog sustava"
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:84
@@ -5065,6 +5146,8 @@ msgid ""
"In the toolbar underneath the <gui>Volumes</gui> section, click the menu button. Then click <gui>Repair "
msgstr ""
+"U alatnoj traci ispod odjeljka <gui>Uređaji</gui> kliknite na tipku izbornika. Zatim kliknite <gui>Popravi "
+"datoteÄni sustav...</gui>."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:88
@@ -5072,6 +5155,8 @@ msgid ""
"Depending on how much data is stored in the filesystem a repair may take longer time. Confirm to start the "
"action in the dialog that pops up."
msgstr ""
+"Ovisno o tome koliko je podataka pohranjeno u datoteÄnom sustavu, popravak može potrajati duže. Potvrdite "
+"pokretanje radnje u pojavljenom dijalogu."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:90
@@ -5080,6 +5165,9 @@ msgid ""
"consistent state and moves files which were damaged in a special folder. Be patient while the filesystem is
msgstr ""
+"Radnja će odmontirati datoteÄni sustav ako je potrebno. Radnja popravka pokuÅ¡ava dovesti datoteÄni sustav u
+"dosljedno stanje i premjeÅ¡ta datoteke koje su oÅ¡tećene u posebnu mapu. Budite strpljivi dok se datoteÄni "
+"sustav popravlja."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:96
@@ -5087,6 +5175,8 @@ msgid ""
"After completion you will be notified whether the filesystem could be successfully repaired. In case of "
"success it can be used again in the normal way."
msgstr ""
+"Nakon zavrÅ¡etka bit ćete obavijeÅ¡teni može li se datoteÄni sustav uspjeÅ¡no popraviti. U sluÄaju uspjeÅ¡nog "
+"popravka, može se ponovno koristiti na uobiÄajeni naÄin."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:99
@@ -5095,6 +5185,9 @@ msgid ""
"important files later. This can be done by mounting the image read-only or using forensic analysis tools "
"like <app>sleuthkit</app>."
msgstr ""
+"Ako se datoteÄni sustav ne može popraviti, sigurnosno ga kopirajte spremanjem slike ureÄ‘aja kako bi kasnije
+"mogli oporaviti bitne datoteke. To se može uÄiniti montiranjem slike s dozvolom Äitanja ili koriÅ¡tenjem "
+"alata za forenziÄku analizu kao Å¡to je <app>sleuthkit</app>."
#. (itstool) path: item/p
#: C/disk-repair.page:103
@@ -5102,6 +5195,8 @@ msgid ""
"To make use of the volume again it has to be <link xref=\"disk-format\">formatted</link> with a new "
"filesystem. All data will be discarded."
msgstr ""
+"Kako bi se uređaj mogao ponovno koristiti, mora se <link xref=\"disk-format\">formatirati</link> s novim "
+"datoteÄnim sustavom. Svi podaci će biti obrisani."
#. (itstool) path: info/desc
#: C/disk-resize.page:15
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